Anglican Journal



Bible society offers online fun to children

The Canadian Bible Society has launched a new interactive Web site aimed at children – The Web site enables children to watch a short

New director supports Foundation’s new mandate

As the Anglican Foundation approaches its 50th anniversary, its new executive director, Dean John Wright, wants to increase significantly its endowment, bring its image and

C of E one step closer to women bishops

The 1998 meeting of Lambeth welcomed 11 women bishops from Canada, New Zealand and the United States. LondonThe Church of England’s general synod voted that

Two-tier church ‘anathema’

Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, said he welcomes the concept of an Anglican covenant “as a process” that would indicate

Bloomin’ red

The Bishop of Niagara daylily is a new hybrid bulb produced by The Potting Shed in Cayuga, Ont. Bishop Ralph Spence was present at the

Diocesan course combats drug use

The youth ministry of the diocese of Saskatchewan has scheduled a six-week course this fall to help parents fight the battle against drugs in their

Five years of full communion

Telmor Sartison (left), then-national bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, and former Anglican primate Michael Peers signed an agreement of full communion between

Seminary sells three campus buildings

The College of Emmanuel and St. Chad in Saskatoon announced it has sold three buildings on the University of Saskatchewan campus to the university for

Call for action

A mother and daughter joined thousands for a march in Toronto to demand immediate, universal and equitable access to HIV/AIDS prevention, care, treatment and research

Archdeacon elected bishop of Calgary

Bishop-elect Derek Hoskin Archdeacon Derek Hoskin was elected the 8th bishop of the diocese of Calgary at a diocesan synod held June 24. It took

Editors argue against cuts to newspaper budget

Editors of the Anglican church’s diocesan newspapers have released a position paper expressing concern about the possibility of “very large cuts” to the Anglican Journal

In other matters, CoGS

Approved a resolution directing the financial management and development committee to include in the 2007 General Synod budget “20 per cent of the estimated cost

Fund on target

The Anglican Church of Canada has collected about $18.6 million from its national office and 30 dioceses to cover potential damages sought by former students

Council okays idea of native bishop

Mississauga, Ont. Council of General Synod (CoGS) approved a pending appointment by the primate of the first national indigenous Anglican bishop, on the recommendation of

Colourful rendering

Mary Magdalene was one of several works by Chinese Christian artist He Qi on display recently at Toronto’s Wycliffe College. Two Anglican colleges, Wycliffe and

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