Green synod’ urges eco-friendliness

Published August 30, 2006

The first “green” synod of the diocese of New Westminster has approved a resolution urging all its parishes to commit to cutting back their energy consumptions in churches and parish halls as a way of reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions.

The resolution asks parishes to set targets for reduced energy use, reported the diocese’s Web site,

The motion was presented to delegates after presentations by the environmental unit and an address by theologian Sallie McFague of the Vancouver School of Theology, who challenged delegates to become “ecologically literate.”

“Ecology is not a hobby like bird watching,” said Ms. McFague. “It is the most fundamental study of our planet. It is the study of our ‘house rules.'” These “house rules” are simple, she said: “Take only your share. Clean up after yourself. Leave the house in order for others yet to come.”


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