Anglican Journal



(L to R): Lori Ransom, the Rev. Andrew Wesley, and Dawn Maracle speak at the North American Interfaith Network conference held Aug. 11 to 14 in Toronto. Photo: Marites N. Sison

Aboriginal experience of multi-faith work

Three indigenous peoples of faith have extolled the value of multi-faith work in Canada saying it not only provides opportunities to learn from others but also promotes healing and reconciliation among peoples and communities.

The May 2000 issue of the Anglican Journal, which published a special report on what happened to native children in residential schools. It included an account of how Ottawa experimented with their diets. Photo: Marites N. Sison

Ottawa experiment on native children ‘appalling’

On July 16, several publications carried a Canadian Press (CP) story about how Ian Mosby, a historian from the University of Guelph, stumbled on a little-known fact in the course of his research on the history of food in Canada.

The Joint Assembly had a "very positive, upbeat spirit," says Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada. Photo: Art Babych

‘Spirit-filled, spirit-led’ gathering

Archbishop Fred Hiltz described the recently concluded Joint Assembly as a “spirit-filled, spirit-led” gathering that can only strengthen the full communion relationship of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC).

New General Synod prolocutor Harry Huskins introduces the motion on the proposed Anglican Covenant. Photo: Art Babych

Anglican Covenant decision in 2016

The Anglican Church of Canada’s triennial General Synod on July 5approved a motion that urges its faithful to continue conversations onthe proposed Anglican Covenant and delays a final decision on whether toaccept or reject it until 2016.

Archbishop Colin Johnson, a member of the structures working group, introduced the proposed changes to the church’s governance structures. Photo: Art Babych

General Synod approves structural change

After some debate, General Synod members on July 4 voted to abolish allbut two of the national church’s standing committees, as part ofproposed changes to its governance structures.

Resource extraction is “the critical justice issue of our time,” Jennifer Henry, executive director of the Canadian ecumenical justice group, KAIROS, tells the Joint Assembly. Photo: Art Babych

‘The critical justice issue of our time’

Joint Assembly members were challenged on July 4 to think beyond the economic impact of resource extraction and to consider its “life and death” impact on indigenous communities in Canada and overseas and on the earth’s “ecological integrity.”

“Part of the mission of the church is to critique the fundamental basisof self-centredness,” said the Rev. Dr. Christopher Duraisingh. Photo: Art Babych

Church must critique ‘self-centredness’

An eminent South Indian theologian on July 3 challenged Anglicans andLutherans to “de-centre” themselves and their churches so that they cantruly serve the world.

About 600 Anglicans and Lutherans gather at the plenary hall for the start of their Joint Assembly, July 3 to 7. Photo: Art Babych

Full communion ‘must benefit the world’

In a joint address delivered at the opening of the Joint Assembly, the national leaders of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) outlined the ways in which their churches have deepened their full communion relationship, now in its 12th year.

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, and Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada National Bishop Susan Johnson, at a Joint Assembly press conference. Photo: Art Babych

Joint Assembly: hope for “more partnerships”

Anglican and Lutheran leaders in a press conference today expressed hope that their historic joint assembly here will open up possibilities for more partnerships among their churches around areas such as theological education, social justice and mission work.

Chapel of the Holy Apostles at the Anglican Church of Canada’s national office commemorates National Aboriginal Day with a Eucharist and a display of aboriginal colours on the altar side table. Photo: Marites N. Sison

Church celebrates National Aboriginal Day

As Canada celebrates National Aboriginal Day today, June 21, Anglicanchurch leaders urged Canadian Anglicans to pause and reflect on itssignificance for the life of their church and the nation.

Survivorsand their families sing “Happy Birthday” in different languages tohonour former students whose birthdays were not celebrated inresidential schools. Photo: Marites N. Sison

In pictures: TRC Quebec national event

The image of adrum and a feather, of a young aboriginal man speaking out about whatreconciliation means to him and of church representatives taking part inevents, are among the photographs taken by the Anglican Journal at the Quebec national event of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Genocide survivor tells former students: ‘You’re not alone’

A Rwandan genocide survivor on April 26 reached out to former students of Indian residential schools and pledged his commitment to walk with them as they struggle to heal from traumas experienced as a result of being wrenched away from home and assimilated into another culture.

‘My little residential school suitcase’

In 1958, Marcel Petiquay was a joyful little boy of six when he was sentto Amos Indian Residential School, a Roman Catholic-run boarding schoolin Amos, Que.

A panel of indigenous women activists spoke about theirpeople's experiences at an event co-sponsored by Kairos and the TRC atthe Quebec National Event in Montreal. Photo: Marites N. Sison

Women of Courage’ speak at TRC

An indigenous woman activist from the Philippines and a prominent Mohawkwoman activist from Kanehsatake, Que., on April 24 drew parallelsbetween the experiences of their own people and found some commonthreads that unite them.

Former Governor General Michaëlle Jean poses with Montreal students who attended Education Day at the TRC Quebec National Event. Photo: Marites N. Sison

TRC Commissioner: Youth are part of the solution

Former Governor General MichaëlleJean on April 24 urged young Canadians to take an active part in thework of healing and reconciliation between Canada’s aboriginal andnon-aboriginal people.

Diocese of Uruguay Bishop-elect Michael Pollesel (right) at an Episcopal diocese of Cuba service in 2011. Behind him are Anglican Church of Canada primate, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, and Diocese of Cuba bishop Griselda Delgado del Carpio. Photo: Andrea Mann/General Synod Communications

Pollesel election in Uruguay ratified

The Anglican Province of the Southern Cone has reconsidered thediocese of Uruguay’s appeal and has voted to ratify the election ofArchdeacon Michael Pollesel as co-adjutor bishop.

Episcopal diocese of Cuba Bishop Griselda Delgado del Carpio and a community worker with prized tomato from a community garden in Itabo, one of the diocese's projects that promote self-sufficiency. Photo: Ali Symons/General Synod Communications

‘Dynamic partnerships’ in Cuba

A proposal to fund an office of integrated development for the Episcopaldiocese of Cuba will be submitted for approval this April to a programreview committee of Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF).

Entering the west door of Canterbury Cathedral. Photo: Beatrice S. Paez

Everyone but the Queen

As Supreme Governor of the Church of England, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is always invited to the enthronement of a new Archbishop of Canterbury.

(L to R) Lynne Shozawa and Joy Kogawa present Archbishop Fred Hiltz with a memorial plaque that tells the story about the fate of Japanese Canadian Anglican churches before and after World War II. Photo: Marites N. Sison

‘Injustices’ toward Japanese Canadian Anglicans acknowledged

The Council of General Synod (CoGS) on March 14 acknowledged the injustices and racism experienced by Japanese Canadian Anglicans at the hands of the Anglican Church of Canada during and after World War II, and said it confessed “the error of our ways.”

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