Anglican Journal


Constitutions are not set in stone

When conviction, like certainty, is not informed by critical thought and an evaluative process, it can be more dangerous than half-truths or even lies –

Pluralism a major shift in South

Geneva Latin America was once considered a Roman Catholic continent but is now characterized by a religious pluralism that can lead to hostile competitiveness, the

A graphic look at Scripture

In Steve Ross’ Marked, a graphic novel of the Gospel of Mark, Christ is depicted in the genre’s thickly-hatched, graffiti-informed aesthetic. No one looking at

Survey provides a snapshot of Journal readers

You know the province – the one whose inhabitants would be most likely to appreciate and explore so-called “alternative” forms of spirituality, like labyrinths, meditation


Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, on his second visit with Amir Kazemian, 41, a Christian convert from Islam who sought sanctuary at St. Michael’s Anglican Church in

Historic’ ordination

Six Cree elders from Chisasibi, a Quebec village on the James Bay coast, have been ordained deacons. The ordinations, presided over by Archbishop Caleb Lawrence

Killings documented

Manila Philippine churches are documenting all killings of clerics and church lay workers, and other human rights violations, so they can file these before the

AIDS activists urge protection of women

An African delegate eyes an outfit made of condoms by Brazilian artist Adriana Bertini, whose creations were on display at the 16th International AIDS Conference.

Parish reaps rewards of garden project

Rob Kennedy, a volunteer with the Out of the Heat garden project at St. Thomas’s Church, Toronto, shows off bunches of carrots. Mr. Kennedy, who

Katrina remembered

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Lakeview, New Orleans, served as the site for an Aug. 28 diocesan-wide eucharist and vigil of the first anniversary of

New director supports Foundation’s new mandate

As the Anglican Foundation approaches its 50th anniversary, its new executive director, Dean John Wright, wants to increase significantly its endowment, bring its image and

C of E one step closer to women bishops

The 1998 meeting of Lambeth welcomed 11 women bishops from Canada, New Zealand and the United States. LondonThe Church of England’s general synod voted that

Two-tier church ‘anathema’

Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, said he welcomes the concept of an Anglican covenant “as a process” that would indicate

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