Aboriginal school a joint effort

Published August 30, 2006

A new aboriginal educational institution, to be named Shingwauk University, is being created with the help of four parties – the Anglican diocese of Algoma, two First Nations representing 19 Indian bands, and the Children of Shingwauk Alumni Association, representing former students of the Shingwauk Residential School.

All four parties form the Shingwauk Education Trust, which administers the lands and financial assets of the former residential school.

The university is named in memory of the Ojibwa Chief Shingwauk, who led Ojibways in fighting against the Americans alongside Tecumseh and General Isaac Brock in the War of 1812. Later christened an Anglican, in 1832 he spoke of a vision he had of a “great teaching wigwam” in which the best of the aboriginal and European cultures would be brought together to create a better future for both peoples.

The first courses began last summer and were offered in conjunction with existing programs from universities such as Arizona in the United States, and Maori University, New Zealand. This was made possible through a covenant signed last May between Shingwauk University and Algoma University College (AUC). AUC operates out of the former residential school and the lands of the trust surround the institution.


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