The Rev. Dr. Gary Nicolosi



Reflection: Harvest Blessing

“We are tenants of the vineyard-God is the owner. So our obligation as tenants is to give a portion of the harvest we have enjoyed.”

Reflection: Come Home Again

“The church at its best, receives God’s love and then passes it on to someone else.” Photo: Shutterstock I want to share with you an

Reflection: 9/11 Revisited

Just as the meaning of 9/11 is still being forged so do we make history by our own choices. Photo: Songquan Deng This is a

The intentional killing of innocent humans is never justifiable Photo: REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch

One Christian’s perspective on Norway

The tragic events in Norway shock the conscience of us all. What is happening in the world today that a human being can kill 76

Reflection: Betting on God

“It is the biggest risk any of us will ever take-to believe there is a God and that God loves us.” Photo: LNC Jeff Bezos

Reflection: The Biblical Case for Toleration

“In the weeds and wheat parable, Jesus wants us to trust God to deal with the weeds.” Photo: Shutterstock This summer, movie theaters across Canada

Reflection: When You Feel Inadequate

“When life seems too big and I feel too small, there is One who can take my paltry little handful of loaves and fish and

Music brings us out of the darkness and into the light, and connects us to God. Photo: Robert Jakatics

The Power of Music

When I was a first year student in high school, one of my courses was in music appreciation. We began by studying Gregorian chant. That

The Fatherhood of God

“My Abba-my Father God-is very fond of me.” Photo: Juha-Pekka Kervinen Brennan Manning tells a story about Edward Farrell, a priest from Detroit, who went

Spirit-Filled Living in Tough Times

John Koepke didn’t want to leave his wife, Pat, home alone that horrible day in 1991. Just hours earlier, she had been diagnosed with malignant

Reflection: Knowing God Personally

Knowing God “comes not by scientific study but through personal relationship. It is subjective rather than objective.” Photo: Boris Diakovsky My friend had been telling

Reflection: Spiritual but Not Religious

God is everywhere, in “the wonder of eternity, written in the gentle waves, the glory of the sky and the peace of that quiet moment.

Guest reflection: Overcoming Our Rage

Osama Bin Laden supporters in Quetta, Pakistan, protest his killing on May 1. Photo: Asianet-Pakistan On Sunday night, May 1, the world got word that

Guest reflection: Sharing Our Wounds

“Somehow, in the sharing of wounds, we come to see each other in a deeper way. No wonder the disciples recognized Jesus by his wounds.”

The case for open communion

Experiential evangelism suggests encountering God leads to faith in Jesus.Trinacria photo / Shutterstock Should we invite persons who are not baptized to receive Holy Communion?

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