The right thing to do
Re: Don’t change canon, says commission (Anglican Journal, Feb. 2015, p.1). So the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order (IASCUFO) does not want
Re: Don’t change canon, says commission (Anglican Journal, Feb. 2015, p.1). So the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order (IASCUFO) does not want
As conscientious Canadians, we must respond to the very real threat to the continued existence of the CBC and our democracy coming from members within
Colin Proudman (Dying Well, Letters, Feb. 2015, p. 4) correctly points out that the root meaning of the word “euthanasia” comes from the Greek, meaning
I’ve just put down the March 2015 issue of the Anglican Journal. I cannot remember a previous edition that has contained so much “good stuff.”
As a lifelong journalist and corporate communicator, I couldn’t agree more with outgoing Journal editor Kristin Jenkins’s plea for the national church not to imminently further starve or kill the print version of the Anglican Journal as a part of its seemingly never-ending restructurings! [Choosing Door Number Two, Feb. 2013, p. 2]…
These letters appeared in the Feb. 2013 issue of the Anglican Journal.
Several articles in the October 2012 issue of the Anglican Journal are illustrated with photos.My concern is that African and native people are not named
I find this covenant something of a mystery (What happens if we say no? Sept. 2012, p. 1). What it is about has completely missed
Thank you for the website book review of the Canadian Council of Churches’ new resource, Cracking Open White Identity Towards Transformation [Deconstructing white power and
Congratulations on completing the national readership survey. The results reveal a great deal about your readership and about the Anglican Church of Canada.I hope I
I must say, my favourite part of the Anglican Journal is The Anglican [the newspaper of the diocese of Toronto]. But in the most recent
Whenever I’m in Ottawa, where I grew up, I worship at St. Richard’s Anglican Church with my mom and my girlfriend, Suzanne. I’ve been in
My compliments to Bishop Mark [MacDonald] for his moving and meaningful story, Peter John’s last trip (Sept. 2012, p. 2).The Rev. Michael Shouldice Rankin Inlet,
In the summer of 1979, I was a student in the diocese of Moosonee, where the priest was called the “prayer boss” by the First
You have allowed an insulting caption to appear in the Anglican Journal. On page 8 of the June issue, there is a photograph of the
Having just finished reading the latest edition of the Anglican Journal [Dioceses offset legal fees, June 2012, p. 6], I would like to suggest that
I am so impressed with the new format of the Anglican Journal. Keep up the good work. It is so informative, and the layout is
My June copy of the Anglican Journal arrived this morning. The new format is just great! It presents in a much more user-friendly way with
As a physician with occupational medicine training and experience, I found the letter [Refocus the lens, June 2012, p. 3] very disturbing. I have witnessed
Re: Stop signs on the road to spiritual growth [Letters, June 2012, p. 2]. You are quite right, sir, nobody wants to worship in a
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