Thanks, but

Published November 1, 2012

Thank you for the website book review of the Canadian Council of Churches’ new resource, Cracking Open White Identity Towards Transformation [Deconstructing white power and privilege.] It’s great to see this kind of profile and I hope it will lead Anglicans to access and use this resource.Anglicans have been active in anti-racism and white privilege work for years. I remember the Power Flower from the 1980s! We had a General Synod resolution on anti-racism work in 2004; we have a Charter for Racial Justice that all Council of General Synod members and all General Synod staff sign on to; we had an active anti-racism working group until the dissolving of the Partnerships department two years ago; and we have trained facilitators in anti-racism and white privilege.Currently, the oversight of anti-racism training resides with the general secretary.I was dismayed to note that the book review makes no reference to the myriad ways in which our church is substantively engaged in this work. I believe Anglican readers would like to know how their church is actively involved.Henriette Thompson


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