June-August 2016 Letters to the Editor
Concerned about safety or comfort?
Concerned about safety or comfort?
Thank you for publishing the article about Jen Warren and myself and why we brought the motion to amend the marriage canon.
Here’s my response to the announcement that [the] dioceses [of Ottawa and Montreal] have made the decision to not invest their funds in the oil industry (Synods divest from fossil fuels, Jan. 2016, p. 1): I want you to remember that there are thousands of people whose employment revolves around the production of oil in northern Alberta.
Church must be ‘nimble and flexible’ about lay presidency
A heartfelt thanks for publishing the article Out of the shadows and into the light, by Tali Folkins (Nov. 2015, p. 3). I am a Christian man who has lived with a bipolar disorder for 40 years.
Divergent views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Two letters in the September 2015 issue of the Anglican Journal miss the mark in regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (One rule for readers and another for contributors? by John Dalton and One-sided by M.C. Barnard, p. 4).
Understanding the impact of the Doctrine of Discovery I am encouraged by Marites N. Sison’s editorial (‘What do they want now?’ May 2015, p. 4).
One rule for readers and another for contributors? I refer to your editorial and the statement re: letters (Dear editor…, June 2015, p. 4): “A
In regard to the article, Knitting nonagenarian, April 2015 [p. 7], please be advised that there are two St. Luke’s Anglican churches in London, Ont.
In the Feb. 2015 Anglican Journal, prominence is given to an article regarding the urging of the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order
Re: Dying well (Letters, Feb. 2015, p. 4). Could somebody, a fellow Christian, explain to me what “dying well” is? Is it possible that a
I liked the article on the need to press the government to develop better plans for dealing with poverty here in Canada (Faith groups back anti-poverty campaign, April 2015, p. 1). So often we focus on those far away, forgetting the suffering near us.
(These letters were first published in the May 2015 issue of the Anglican Journal.) Hospice volunteer gives new meaning to dying well Colin Proudman (Dying
Re: Don’t change canon, says commission (Feb. 2015, p.1). Somehow the world did not end in 2005 when the Canadian government made it the law
Since the Supreme Court made it illegal to discriminate against the gay community, the Anglican church has managed to do absolutely nothing. Lots of hot
I am writing as a Christian with a M.Div and who served eight years in Africa as a missionary. It is of great concern that
The ongoing struggle around the church acknowledging the marriage of same-sex couples is disheartening, to say the least. A strength of the Anglican church historically
Re: Don’t change canon, says commission (Feb. 2015, p. 1). It never fails to amuse me that the amount of time wasted about proposed changes
Holy mystery Mathew Zachariah’s excellent letter, No eucharists alike (Feb. 2015, p. 5) speaks of the faithful, “looking at words in the Book of Alternative
Re: Anti-Zionism doesn’t mean anti-Semitism [Letters, Jan. 2015, p. 5]. The destruction in Gaza was not “wanton,” but carefully targeted to minimize civilian losses, most
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