February Letters

David Anderson
David Anderson
Published February 22, 2013

These letters appeared in the Feb. 2013 issue of the Anglican Journal.

While I appreciate the sentiment of J. Alan Vokey’s art on page one of the December 2012 issue, I can only conclude that he is expecting a white Christmas. Every face in the painting is white, including those of the Holy Family.
God is not an Englishman nor are all his Anglican children. Where I live, the church is multicultural.
Rene Jamieson

The cartoon of the two gay men with a female child passing a man/woman family with one of the former commenting, “Oh look, how quaint!” [Nov. 2012, p. 3] raises my ire. My dictionary defines “quaint” as “strange in an amusing manner.” Since when is it quaint or strange to be normal?
E.R. Dow
London, Ont.


I was very pleased to see the painting of the Holy Family gracing the cover of the December 2012 issue of the Anglican Journal. Not only is it appropriate for Advent and Christmas, it is also a reminder that the Holy Family is the role model for Christian families.
In contrast, your previous issue had a page one article describing changes in the current secular society’s family composition, featuring a picture of two women with an infant.
I have been concerned in recent years about social justice for infants and children who have no opportunity to declare their choice about the gender of those who are parenting them. Having a mother and father as parents follows the natural law in raising a child. When children lack a role model for their gender, it makes dysfunction in their development more probable.
Doris Leland
Kitchener, Ont.


As the mother of a gay son, I was deeply distressed by the letter from Graham Patterson [You call this inspiring? Dec. 2012, p. 4]. Frankly, I don’t understand how he thinks printing an article about the new moderator of the United Church of Canada is disrespectful of “his saviour.” No one chooses to be LGBT; this is the way God made them. My son was legally married a year ago and it gives me pleasure to see that he is as happy in his marriage as his “straight” sister is in hers.
If his attitude is formed by some of the verses in the scriptures, may I respectfully suggest he read the book by the former Episcopal Bishop of Newark, John Shelby Spong, entitled The Sins of Scripture. It addresses the attitude of the writers of the Bible toward homosexuality, the treatment of women, children, etc.
I would also suggest he read the article by the Rev. Patrick Tomalin [On bending the rules, Dec. 2012, p.11], which ends with the sentence, “Love and acceptance trump inflexibility every time.”
Joan Hutchins
Brampton, Ont.


How disheartened I was to read the letter You call this inspiring? [Dec. 2012, p. 4]. This smacks of the hatred and bigotry present in our faith circles.
I think it is very inspiring to have any gifted and talented person elected head of any church regardless of sexual preference, which is given by God.
As for the two lesbian priests in the gay pride parade, they were not defying God but celebrating the many gifts and freedom God has given them.
Donald Ross,
Kitchener, Ont.


Was I the only reader who found it ironic that news of the closure of the Anglican Book Centre in the December Journal [Dec. 2012, p. 7] was placed next to a story about two more dioceses proceeding with same-sex blessings?
While it is doubtless true that many buy books online, it is also true that in the last decade thousands of faithful Anglicans (not just a few cranks) have left the Anglican Church of Canada over the same-sex issue as well as other aspects of the “progressive” agenda.
I suggest that this must be considered as a factor in the closure of our much beloved ABC.
The Rev. Canon Mark C. McDermott
Milton, Ont.


I was saddened to see that Kristin Jenkins is leaving the Anglican Journal. Her editorials are so personable and easy to read. Thanks to her for being a source of inspiration, as well as a brilliant editor.
Lisa Steen
Carberry, Man.



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