


A Youth Ministry Leadership Training event will be held Sept. 24-26 at Queen’s House of Retreat, Saskatoon, Sask. The event, sponsored by the Province of

Church playing a limited role

Church playing a limited role (ENI)- The Russian Orthodox Church has not withdrawn its membership in the World Council of Churches. At a December meeting

Ecclesiastical Province of Canada

Land records saved on single disk The Diocese of Nova Scotia and P.E.I., has found a practical way to keep track of land records. Every

Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario

Iranian refugees can stay in Canada An Iranian family who took refuge in a London, Ont., cathedral in August to avoid being deported have been

‘Language of hate’ blamed in murder

The savage killing of a gay Episcopalian university student in Wyoming has led to renewed calls for anti-hate laws and an appeal from the president

Lambeth comments

Ian Ritchie – religion professor and member of Essentials movement in Canada. What we’ve seen is a shift in the centre of Anglicanism to the

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