Anglican Journal


Guest opinion: Anglican What?

Cartoon: David Anderson ( Years ago I made my point with conviction and youthful enthusiasm to my bishop, Fred H. Wilkinson, Bishop of Toronto, when

Reflections on Back to Church Sunday

Greetings, Earthling: Diocese of Toronto Suffragan Bishop Philip Poole invites commuters back to church. Photo: Michael Hudson Back to Church Sunday is based on one

My grandma’s house

I am a kid again as I trudge along to the creek where my gramps taught me how to fish and then cook the catch.

What are you doing this weekend?

Every Sunday for the rest of your life? That makes you unavailable to do as you please. Illustration: Natalia Bayduzha Great weekend coming up. What

Relief for Pakistan

PWRDF working to help Pakistan flood victims. Photo: ACT/CWS-PA/Ghulam Mustafa By the end of August, The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) had received

Military chaplains need more support

McLean   Brigadier-General Karl McLean, who is in charge of Canada’s military chaplains around the world, warns these men and women are suffering alongside Canadian

Letters to the editor

Bonds of affection As a former member of the Anglican Consultative Council and of its standing committee, I am astounded to learn the standing committee

Guest Opinion: Thoughts on the Quiet Crisis

Many children of Jewish parents receive daily Hebrew lessons. Do our children need a more rigourous religious education? As everyone knows by now, the Anglican

Reflections on the BAS, 25 years on

Efforts were directed at producing, if not an official new Prayer Book, then an approved alternative. Some authors never really recovered from the experience. Illustration

World media neglects wealth-gap for women

Recent research shows that only 3% of stories on poverty highlight gender inequalityPhoto: Designpics Geneva Women remain grossly underrepresented in newspaper, television and radio reporting the Global

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