Brigadier-General Karl McLean, who is in charge of Canada’s military chaplains around the world, warns these men and women are suffering alongside Canadian troops in dangerous deployments such as Afghanistan.
“We know that a number of [Canada’s military chaplains] have just been through horrific circumstances, so their spiritual, mental and physical well-being is extremely important,” said Brig.-Gen. McLean, an Anglican priest and the newly appointed Chaplain General of the Canadian Forces. During his two-year term, th at office will implement new ways to help support Canada’s troops and the chaplains who care for them, he told the Anglican Journal in an interview.
“Our chaplains need to be capable of going out and being present with the troops…ministering to them, counselling them, providing worship services, and praying with them,” he said.
Brig.-Gen. McLean is in charge of 245 full-time military chaplains as well as more than 200 part-time reserve chaplains, cadet chaplains and more than 100 Canadian civilian clergy of various faiths. He is responsible for providing religious and spiritual support for every member of the Canadian Forces in operations around the world, and for their families. Ω