Relief for Pakistan

Published October 1, 2010

PWRDF working to help Pakistan flood victims. Photo: ACT/CWS-PA/Ghulam Mustafa

By the end of August, The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) had received a total of $25,600 in donations to help people in Pakistan facing one of the worst flooding disasters in its recorded history.

According to a PWRDF spokesperson, however, it was expected that most of the money donated for Pakistan flood relief had yet to be tallied.

Donations received between Aug. 2 and Sept. 12 were matched by the Canadian government in its Pakistan Floods Relief Fund, which will be administered by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).

In August, PWRDF prepared a special appeal bulletin for distribution at church services across the country. The bulletin outlined what PWRDF had already contributed to relief efforts, including an initial grant of $15,000 for rapid response. This was channelled through the Action By Churches Together (ACT), an ecumenical international aid group of which PWRDF is a member.

PWRDF also donated funds from its Canadian Foodgrains Bank account to a joint project that will feed 3,000 families for two months. As part of an initiative by Canadian Churches in Action, PWRDF also received $50,000 from the Manitoba Council for International Co-operation to provide emergency shelter for 550 affected families. Ω

Leigh Anne Williams


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