Anglican Journal



Grace Tucker

Grace Tucker, who worked as an Anglican church missionary to the Japanese community in Canada, died in Richmond, B.C. on Dec. 4 at the age

Scrolls chronicle early Christianity

Dr. Adolfo Roitman, curator, examines the War Scroll, part of the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Museum of Civilization in Hull, Que. Amateur historians

Church’s big move delayed anew

The new quarters of the national church office (background) towers over the old quarters at 600 Jarvis St. (foreground) Toronto The national church office’s move

Conservative Asian primate re-elected

Kudat, Malaysia Archbishop Datuk Yong Ping Chung was re-elected on Nov. 19 as primate (senior bishop) of the Anglican province of South East Asia at

Archbishop asks Ontario for action on poverty

Archbishop Terence Finlay has asked Ontario ‘s new Liberal government to act quickly to help alleviate the plight of 390,000 children in poverty, of single-parent

Christianity and the untouchables

Dear editor, The Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party’s move to prevent religious conversions among Hindus in India is meant to comfort the upper castes of

Centre ‘a model’ for faiths

Beit Jala, West Bank A new centre specifically built for dialogue between the world’s three monotheistic faiths ? Christianity, Judaism and Islam ? has opened

Call for creche photos

The Anglican Journal welcomes photographs of creches from across the country for inclusion in our December 2004 issue. Please send photos to [email protected] or to:

Campaign honours missing native women

They are Canada ‘s lingering question mark. In the last 20 years in Canada, more than 500 aboriginal women have disappeared. This month, the Native

Dioceses debate blessings issue

The diocese of Toronto will wait nearly a year before deciding on whether to offer a “local option” to parishes wishing to offer same-sex blessings

Census figures

An analysis of the 2001 Canadian census shows that ethnic diversity in the diocese of Toronto has increased while there continues to be a decline

Civil disobedience

Amid chants of “release him, release him” and the singing of Amazing Grace , police escort Canon Patrick Doran (in cloak), of St. Paul ‘s

Saskatoon elects Andrews

Rev. Rodney Osborne Andrews, 63, was elected bishop of the diocese of Saskatoon on Nov. 15, succeeding Arch-bishop Thomas Morgan, 62, who retires at the

In-vitro fertilization

NairobiKenyan church leaders have warned against scientists trying to “play God” following news that childless couples in the East African country are to be offered

New Integrity chapters

Integrity, an international organization of gay and lesbian Anglicans and friends has announced two new chapters: Integrity Bow Valley, in southern Alberta, and Integrity Niagara.

Soaring insurance rates challenge most dioceses

Churches are often a?”not great insurance risks,a?” says one church official. Pictured above, St. Johna?’s church, Lunenburg, N.S., which was heavily damaged by fire Nov.

Gift of life

Bishop Peter Coffin of the diocese of Ottawa joined other faith leaders and Canadian Blood Services in launching an initiative aimed to encourage people of

Conversions spark violence

New DelhiChurches in Sri Lanka have urged the government to give protection to Christians following recent attacks on churches and increasing demands for a ban

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