Anglican Journal



Treasurer will step down later this year

James Cullen, General Synod’s treasurer and director of financial management and development, will retire later this year and the national office of the Anglican Church

Palestinian mourned

Jerusalem The Greek Orthodox community here is mourning the death of George Khoury, a young Palestinian Christian, gunned down by a militant Palestinian group which

Stewardship ‘needs leadership’

Clergy must provide leadership and encouragement to ongoing Christian stewardship or nothing will happen, Archbishop Douglas Hambidge (retired metropolitan of British Columbia and Yukon) told


Due to a printing error, some Journal subscribers received a flawed version of our April special on bishops who are eligible to be elected primate.

Hutchison embraces church’s diverse cultures

Andrew Hutchison Archbishop of Montreal and Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada Age: 65 Fluently bilingual in French and English, with a smattering of

Snapshots of history

Husband-and-wife volunteers Art and Marjorie Keates are working to preserve and make more accessible the priceless documents of the diocese of Ontario’s history. Knowing that

Navigational troubles on good ship ELCIC

Last month, Anglican Journal welcomed a new column entitled Concerning Lutherans, modelled after a similar feature in Canada Lutheran magazine, Concerning Anglicans. The column is

A bit of clowning around

Dick Hardel, who founded Christ Clown College in the United States and has been active in clown ministry since 1973, will be the keynote speaker

Final appeal numbers show end-of-year drop

Final figures for 2003 show that the Anglican Appeal grossed $731,832 in donations, down 7.5 per cent from $790,885 in 2002, according to appeal co-ordinator

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