Office move pushed back (and back, and back)

Published May 1, 2004

So near and, yet, so far.

Continuing construction delays have postponed the move of the Anglican Church of Canada’s national office in Toronto yet again. The move now will take place June 19-20, according to General Secretary Jim Boyles.

The original projected completion date of the building, which will house four floors of General Synod offices as well as 17 storeys of privately-owned condominium apartments, was fall 2003.

It is expected that the Anglican Book Centre will close for several days as its stock is moved, and the national archives and library will also be unavailable for a period of time. The new address will be: 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2. Phone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses will remain the same. Although the street address will change from 600 Jarvis St., the new property is on the same city block as the current office.

News of the move is also on the Anglican Church of Canada’s Web site,


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