Anglican Journal



World AIDS day

Battling a big foe A large red ribbon, the internationally-recognized symbol of AIDS awareness, is placed in front of the Christ the Redeemer statue atop

Pension changes

The diocesan council of New Westminster has offered to provide payroll services to clergy of four dissenting parishes in the diocese to enable them to

Conservatives balk at ‘vicar’ proposal

The Episcopal Church’s presiding bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori, and a group of bishops announced in early December a proposal that would result in the appointment

Week of Prayer theme: ‘Be Opened’

The annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be celebrated Jan. 21 to 28 in Canada with the theme Be Opened. The theme’s Scripture

Solemn ceremony

David Ashdown, bishop of the diocese of Keewatin, presided for the second time last fall at a rite of solemn re-internment of century-old human remains

Support for Ask & Imagine

The popular Ask & Imagine leadership program for young Anglicans received a grant in early December from the Lilly Endowment Inc., an American foundation that

Mothers get wired

The Canadian chapter of Mothers’ Union (MU), has launched a Web site, MU, which the Arcbishop of Canterbury once referred to as the “fifth

Five-year anniversary

With picturesque church buildings behind them, members of the Joint Anglican-Lutheran Commission met recently in Mahone Bay, N.S., to mark five years of full communion

Signs of Hope … in the form of a sparrow

In November, we asked Anglican Journal readers what signs of hope they saw in the church, in this time of shrinking membership and declining revenues.

Unity service hits snag

For a second year in a row, Anglicans, Lutherans and Roman Catholics will not gather to renew their baptismal vows during this month’s Week of

Churches carry on fight against HIV/AIDS

The diocese of Fredericton has presented a $50,000 cheque to the HIV/AIDS campaign of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) from funds raised

Council settles wording on doctrine question

Mississauga, Ont. Delegates to General Synod 2007 will face this resolution in six months: “That General Synod accept the conclusions of the Primate’s Theological Commis-sion

Nuclear protest

Tokyo (ENI)-A grouping of Japanese churches and Christian organizations has protested North Korea’s nuclear weapon test but would like to see the United States have

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