Anglican Journal



Hindu clampdown

Bangalore, IndiaThe National Council of Churches in India has called on the authorities to act immediately to restore the rule of law, following a number


In other business:? General Synod asked for a task force to examine the role of the primate during the current triennium, including such issues as

Robinson to wed

Gene Robinson, the first openly gay bishop in the worldwide Anglican Communion, says he and his male partner plan to affirm their relationship under a

Camp seeking alumni

Camp Columbia, an Anglican summer camp in the diocese of British Columbia, is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year and director Eric Yue is trying

Baptisms recognized

Magdeburg, GermanyEleven German denominations – including Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Anglican churches – have formally recognized each other’s baptism, at an ecumenical

Media bias

The media in the United States are more biased toward conservative religious leaders, according to Media Matters, a research and analysis group that monitors national

New primate keeps mum about blessings vote

(Left) Outgoing primate, Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, presents Bishop Fred Hiltz to General Synod delegates as the newy-elected primate of the Anglican Church of Canada. WinnipegIn

Sisters recovering from auto accident

Three members of the Community of the Sisters of the Church – an Anglican religious order – who were involved in a car collision in

Women seek apology

Tokyo A Japanese Christian women’s leader has added her voice to those seeking an apology and reparation from the government in Tokyo for women forced

ABC takeover to be final June 1

Augsburg Fortress director Andy Seal is overseeing the takeover of Toronto’s Anglican Book Centre. Negotiations between the Anglican Church of Canada and Augsburg Fortress Canada

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