Anglican Journal


A new day for Cuba

Nerva Cot Aguillera (centre, with female colleagues) recently became the first woman Anglican bishop in the developing world. Bishop Cot and Archdeacon Ulises Mario Aguero

Seeker embarks on mission trip to Kenya

Henrieta Paukov, who describes herself as “a writer and seeker” from the diocese of Toronto, will be going on a mission trip to Kenya in

Fair-trade coffee

Coffee and tea breaks during General Synod attempted to strike a blow for a more just world. “We purchased fair-trade tea and coffee and the

Robinson to wed

Gene Robinson, the first openly gay bishop in the worldwide Anglican Communion, says he and his male partner plan to affirm their relationship under a

ELCIC elects new leader

Johnson The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) made history at its June national convention by electing its first woman national bishop – Rev. Susan

Fishy circumstances

When debate got hot and heavy, members of General Synod were able to decompress in the “Drawing Room” – an erstwhile coat check closet on

Honorary doctorate

Bishop Philip Poole, suffragan (assistant) bishop of the diocese of Toronto, was awarded an honorary doctor of divinity degree by Trinity College on May 8.

Baptisms recognized

Magdeburg, GermanyEleven German denominations – including Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Anglican churches – have formally recognized each other’s baptism, at an ecumenical

General Synod elects Fred Hiltz as primate

Archbishop Fred Hiltz blesses the congregation at his installation as 13th primate of the Anglican Church of Canada. The former diocesan bishop of Nova Scotia

New primate keeps mum about blessings vote

(Left) Outgoing primate, Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, presents Bishop Fred Hiltz to General Synod delegates as the newy-elected primate of the Anglican Church of Canada. WinnipegIn

Sisters recovering from auto accident

Three members of the Community of the Sisters of the Church – an Anglican religious order – who were involved in a car collision in

The Journal at synod

The Anglican Journal will provide its readers with up-to-the-minute coverage of General Synod on June 19-25 through its Web site   In addition to

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