Anglican Journal




Native elder Linda Blomme leads a smudging ceremony on the banks of Winnipeg’s Red River. Used to purify people and places before a sacred ceremony,

Six ways to green your parish

Designate a ‘bike-to-church’ Sunday; Repair leaks promptly. A leak of one drip per second wastes about 10,000 litres per year; Post signs encouraging people to

AIDS program targets migrants

Migrant workers from Thailand perform at the 2007 AIDS Festival organized in Hong Kong by St. John’s Cathedral HIV Education Centre. The festival aims to

PWRDF donations up last year

Anglicans have continued to respond generously to the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), giving $5.243 million in donations and bequests in 2006. The

The art of the matter

Sacred Expressions was the title for a collection of 50 artworks, including Welcoming, Widening World (above) by Garth C. Panting, that expressed the General Synod

Lutherans reject same-sex blessings

Delegates of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada’s (ELCIC) 11th biennial National Convention rejected for the second time a motion allowing the blessing of same-sex

Synod meeting upheld in prayer

General Synod was upheld in prayer by an on-site pastoral care team and groups across the country, through the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (AFP). Above,

Exhibit shows commonality of faith

This rare, miniature 1598 prayer book (Ashkenazi Rite) was used by medieval German-speaking Jews. It is part of an exhibit of early Muslim, Christian and

Network makes case for native clergy

The Anglican Indigenous Network has put itself on a new and firm bureaucratic footing in order to push forward on its number one concern –

A new day for Cuba

Nerva Cot Aguillera (centre, with female colleagues) recently became the first woman Anglican bishop in the developing world. Bishop Cot and Archdeacon Ulises Mario Aguero

Judge reserves decision

A judge in Kenora (Ont.) Superior Court on June 11 ruled that the case against former Anglican priest Ralph Rowe, who is charged with 12

ELCIC elects new leader

Johnson The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) made history at its June national convention by electing its first woman national bishop – Rev. Susan

Muslims surveyed

New YorkMuslims in the United States appear to have been largely assimilated into the broader U.S. society, finds a new survey which also reports that

See you on Facebook

Montreal’s Julia Drummond Residence (pictured here in 1967). Are you one of thousands of women who lived at the Anglican-run Julia Drummond Residence in Montreal

Honorary doctorate

Bishop Philip Poole, suffragan (assistant) bishop of the diocese of Toronto, was awarded an honorary doctor of divinity degree by Trinity College on May 8.

General Synod elects Fred Hiltz as primate

Archbishop Fred Hiltz blesses the congregation at his installation as 13th primate of the Anglican Church of Canada. The former diocesan bishop of Nova Scotia

Fair-trade coffee

Coffee and tea breaks during General Synod attempted to strike a blow for a more just world. “We purchased fair-trade tea and coffee and the

Seeker embarks on mission trip to Kenya

Henrieta Paukov, who describes herself as “a writer and seeker” from the diocese of Toronto, will be going on a mission trip to Kenya in

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