Anglican Journal



U.S. donations rise

New York (ENS) – U.S. church members contributed nearly $30 billion to 65 Protestant denominations in 2000, according to a report by the National Council

ECUSA poised to welcome Cubans

Cuban Bishop Jorge Perera, Canadian Primate Archbishop Michael Peers and Dominican Republic Bishop Julio Holguin at Cuban synod. An official from the Episcopal Church in

Hutchison e-elected metropolitan of Canada

Andrew Hutchison succeeds Arthur Peters as metropolitan. Bishop Andrew Hutchison of Montreal has been elected metropolitan of the ecclesiastical province of Canada in what is

Military role questioned

A group of clergy and laity in the diocese of Toronto has written a petition that questions Canada’s military presence in Afghanistan. The group is

Youngest archdeacon

Rev. Jennifer Gosse, 30, was installed on March 10 as the first female archdeacon in the diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador. She is the

Reconciliation of science, religion

RUMOURS of multiple “black holes,” an “Aquatic-ape” theory, D.N.A. analysis, genetic research, “stem cell” possibilities – all are evidence of continuing exploration in scientific disciplines

Journal wins nine press awards

Ottawa The Anglican Journal took nine prizes at the annual convention of Canadian Church Press here on May 9, including the top award for treatment

Degrees conferred

Montreal Diocesan Theological College in May awarded honorary doctorates in divinity to Canon Alyson Barnett-Cowan, director of faith, worship and ministry for the Anglican General

Candidacy dogged by scandal

London Hopes for an overseas entry into the race to succeed the Archbishop of Canterbury may be dead because of a financial scandal in the

Clerics write letter

New York (ENS)-Frank Griswold, Presiding Bishop of the U.S. Episcopal Church, has joined Presbyterian and Lutheran counterparts in writing to church leaders caught in turmoil

Sacred Circle

The diocese of Rupert’s Land will be hosting its first native sacred circle on June 22 at St. Peter’s Dynevor, north of Winnipeg. The theme

East Timor grateful

Geneva (ENI)-As East Timor prepares to become independent this spring, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jose Ramos-Horta – the territory’s foreign affairs minister – has paid

Palestinian state

New York (ENI)-A coalition of U.S. churches and church groups is hailing a recent United Nations resolution that calls for the creation of a Palestinian

Woman named to head commission

Dame Elizabeth Butler-Sloss, new chair of group charged with picking the Archbishop of Canterbury short list, chats with students. London Britain’s senior woman judge has

VST annual income slashed

The British Columbia government’s recent cost-cutting campaign sliced nearly $250,000 from the annual income of Vancouver School of Theology (VST). Also affected are Regent College,

Web site service aids job hunters

London In a move to assist the Anglican Communion with clergy placement, the Web site Anglicans Online (, has launched a Vacancies Centre to publish

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