Neale Adams

  • Neale Adams is a freelance writer in Vancouver. He was former editor of Topic, the newspaper of the diocese of New Westminster.


Criticism of Christian Zionism is not an attack on the country of Israel, explains Gary Burge, a professor of New Testament studies at Wheaton College. Photo: Neale Adams

Vancouver event tackles Christian Zionism

Christian Zionism is a theologically-based belief about how the world will end that would likely be dismissed as a strange doctrine few Anglicans would be concerned about-if it didn’t affect Canadian and U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East.

Eighteen Canadian and American Bishops take part in the consecration of Melissa Skelton, the first woman bishop of the Anglican diocese of New Westminster. Photo: Bayne Stanley

‘I am delighted to be here at last’

With ancient ceremony, under the sails of the Vancouver Convention Centre, and before 1300 plus Anglicans and their guests, Melissa Skelton was ordained a bishop of the Anglican Church of Canada on March 1.

Spirit of God presided

Archbishop Fred Hiltz Photo: Art Babych Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, told the closing session of the General Synod 2010

ELCIC National Bishop Susan Johnson leads General Synod, including Archbishop Fred Hiltz, insinging a hymn of praise.Photo: Art Babych

Meeting with the Lutherans

A fully integrated meeting with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) is planned to take place at the Anglican Church of Canada’s General Synod

Why is there still hunger?

Hellen Wangusa Photo: Art Babych Hellen Wangusa, the Anglican Observer to the United Nations told General Synod that Anglicans need to examine the causes of

Deep concern’ expressed

Bishop Dennis Drainville Photo: Art Babych The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada went on record expressing “deep concern” regarding the interception by

Straight talk

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, addresses the Anglican Communion Alliance at General Synod 2010. Photo: Neale Adams Archbishop Fred Hiltz,

Members only

Eleven of the Anglican Church of Canada’s 30 dioceses will have no members on the Council of General Synod (CoGS) for the next three years.

Vision 2019 adopted

Dean Peter Elliott Photo: Art Babych The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada has adopted, with near unanimity, a strategic plan to take

Giving peace a chance

Shafeeqa Dawani Photo: Art Babych Shafeeqa Dawani’s mission is to empower the women of Jerusalem and the Middle East to work together for peace. Three

Springtime Silent Night

After singing Silent Night, General Synod delegates each contributed a toonie towards the Anglican Military Ordinariate. Photo: Art Babych It was Christmas in June when

Constant comment

Archdeacon Larry Beardy Photo: Art Babych Vision 2019, the strategic plan proposed at General Synod 2010 to set the direction of the Anglican Church of

Bridge over troubled water

Bishop Suheil Dawani Photo: Art Babych Bishop Suheil Dawani of the diocese of Jerusalem urged Anglicans to be friendly to both Palestine and Israel and

A beautiful, beautiful sight’

Liturgical dancers, dressed in silver, red and white, were part of the three-hour service celebrating the diocese’s 300th anniversary at Exhibition Park, Halifax. Photo: Art

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