Constant comment

Published June 7, 2010

Archdeacon Larry Beardy Photo: Art Babych

Vision 2019, the strategic plan proposed at General Synod 2010 to set the direction of the Anglican Church of Canada over the next decade, arose out of the input from than a 1,000 Anglicans-and it’s still getting lots more.

On Sat. Jun. 5, delegates at the triennial meeting in Halifax lined up to comment. After participating in discussion groups, 23 delegates spoke. Most speakers endorsed the plan but felt that their area of interest had been left out or not emphasized sufficiently.

One area several delegates wanted reworked was more mention of evangelism. “It is lacking in evangelism,” commented Ed Norman of the diocese of BC. “I think we should say it and we should do it.”

Another area some felt left out was that of international work. Bishop James Cowan of the diocese of British Columbia said the plan failed to express the commitment of the Anglican Church of Canada to be in relationship with the world-wide Communion. There have to be connections with people in other Anglican provinces, he said.

Other delegates felt it wasn’t clear how the plan would be carried out.

Bishop Linda Nicholls of the diocese of Toronto wanted the plan to be clear as to what is to be done at the different levels of the Church: national, diocesan and local. She said the document should enable the Council of General Synod and the national staff “to say ‘no’ to some things and ‘yes’ either to something we’re currently doing, or to something newly emerging.”

“I have difficulty translating this into where the rubber hits the road,” said Jason Pollick of the diocese of Quebec. A number of delegates were concerned Vision 2019 was not accompanied by a financial plan to give assurance that priorities will actually result in programs. An emphasis on youth work was applauded by several, but one youth warned against “tokenism.”

Ven. Dr. Larry Beardy of the diocese of Keewatin emphasized the report’s recommendation for leadership training. Due to the experience of residential schools, “Number One of what is needed is leadership,” he said.

Dean Peter Elliott, chair of the Vision 2019 Task Force, called the interest shown by delegates, “heartening and challenging.” After more discussion it will come before the synod for approval the morning of Wed. Jun. 9.


  • Neale Adams is a freelance writer in Vancouver. He was former editor of Topic, the newspaper of the diocese of New Westminster.

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