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Letters to the Editor


Outshine the shiners

Thank you so much for the exciting article about the Mennonite mentor who fixed up the Anglican church in Thorold, Ont. At last, someone has

Mormonism in context

Mixed picture of Mormonism [Mar. 2012, p. 3] might give a misleading picture of Mormonism to Anglican readers. The picture was accurate in its demographics, but

Tend your flock

I feel sorry for the former congregants of St. John the Evangelist in Thorold, Ont., who found that the liturgy and structure of the Anglican

Alarmist and misleading

The headline Killer buildings [April, p. 3] was catchy. It was also alarmist and misleading.In the early 80s, my company was considering the purchase of

Let Jesus speak for himself-through us

A word of appreciation for Bishop Mark MacDonald’s column, Why be a Christian? [April 2012, p. 4. I thoroughly support the response of his Lakota

“They” are in fact, “us”

The editorial Choosing Life [April 2012, p. 4] tells a heart-breaking story of untreated mental illness resulting in the suicide of a young mother. One

Our liturgical traditions are identical

With reference to J. Neilson’s letter to the editor [Copycats? March, p. 5], may I point out that the Roman Catholic Apostles’ Creed is the

Dozens more stories like this one, please!

Diana Swift’s article [Transforming a broken church, March p. 7] was truly inspirational. The Anglican Church of Canada needs dozens more similar stories if we

Advocacy against asbestos needed

I would like to thank Diane Swift for her articles on asbestos [Parishioners protest, April 2012, p.1, and Killer buildings, April 2012, p 3]. I

Photo by: Mikael Damkier

Stop signs on the road to spiritual growth

To grow or not to grow? That is the question. And rightly so. I attended a compline service the other evening-lovely music, soft lighting, serene

Refocus the asbestos lens

In your April 2012 issue, there were two articles describing the efforts of to stop Canada’s involvement in asbestos because of health-related risks [Parishioners protest,

Set the record straight

The Rev. Gordon Maitland, in his article The Golden Jubilee of the BCP (Mar. 2012, p. 10), states that the primate in 1962 was Archbishop Howard

Is he or isn’t he?

Why is the Anglican church losing members of their congregations? The answer is that the Anglican church is not consistent.Is God all or isn’t he?

Much needed ministry

I was very glad to see an insert on religious orders of the Anglican Church of Canada in the February edition of the Anglican Journal.

These four things

In the Letters to the editor [More lay people, please, Feb. 2012, p. 6,], John Laidlaw suggests that the church sometimes seems to exist for

Anglican anxiety

It seems to me that the usual Anglican anxiety about the (declining) state of the church and George Sumner’s letter (Spiritual new wave, Jan. 2012,

Slippery slope

In February, CBC news reported that the CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) is reversing its policy of discarding information obtained through torture.  Now it will

Learn, reflect…and act!

Re: The war on poverty [Feb. 2012, p. 10]During the 1930s, members of the Antigonish Movement helped thousands of Nova Scotians lift themselves out of

Let’s get representative

In the March issue of the Montreal Anglican [p. 4] a picture with the caption read in part, “More than 40 women priests from across

Still chuckling

I am still chuckling over John Laidlaw’s letter (More lay people, please, Feb. 2012, p. 6). He did mean it as a joke, didn’t he,