Anglican Journal



Anglicans reflect on the value of food

Ethel Ahenakew, of the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples, at a market in downtown Winnipeg. Winnipeg A handful of earth and a sprinkle of water

In Katrina’s aftermath, hope

"You are St. Mark’s Church," Dean James Bo Roberts tells his congregation during a service, surrounded by scenes of devastation at the ruins of the

Source of comfort

Editor’s Note: As the Anglican Journal marks its 130th anniversary, we would like to hear from readers: what were your favourite stories and features? What

On patrol

Bishop Peter Coffin, bishop ordinary to the Canadian forces, in the co-pilot’s seat of a CF 140 Aurora maritime patrol aircraft during a recent flight

Hardworker for 30 years

Sheila Craig, General Synod assistant treasurer, retired in July after nearly 30 years of service. Ms. Craig began working for General Synod as a secretary

Big move

The College of Emmanuel and St. Chad, an Anglican seminary in Saskatoon, on August 8 moved to share quarters with Lutheran Theological Seminary. Both institutions

Churches condemn London blasts

Church leaders around the world condemned the bombings that killed 56 people in London last July 7, and called for peace and sobriety. “The appalling

Mother’s Joy

Warm hello A mother and child from the Miao tribe in Kunming, Yunnan province, were among those who greeted an ecumenical delegation from the Canadian

New MP is Anglican

The election May 24 of Canada’s newest member of Parliament, Todd Russell (Labrador), retained the balance of power in Ottawa for the Liberal party and

Royal Worship

A first Bishop Victoria Matthews of Edmonton, left, and Queen Elizabeth II greet well-wishers after a service on May 22 at St. Mary and St.

Calgary resolves impasse

The diocese of Calgary and its bishop, Barry Hollowell, reached agreement on a separation package in July and, at press time, Bishop Hollowell announced that

Moving moment

American Kathy Sullivan Vandenberg weeps as she kneels for the laying of hands at an ordination ceremony for her and eight other women to the

Innovative fundraiser

When Candace Mahaffey, women’s coordinator for the diocese of Athabasca, three years ago developed a logo for the diocesan women’s group, she never dreamed it

Bishop Andrews hits the road

Bishop Rodney Andrews of the diocese of Saskatoon spent 14 days in June driving an antique tractor across his diocese to celebrate Saskatchewan’s 100th birthday

Council agrees to put pressure on Israel

The Anglican Consultative Council has adopted a recommendation that churches put pressure on firms that contribute to Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories, including the

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