Anglican Journal


“We should have no truck with the idea that the church could, for practical reasons, negotiate away the centrality of the Eucharist for its life.” Photo: Chris Knorr

Guest reflection: A liturgical truth

It is a given of our time that every parish should aim to celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday.  This in significant measure grows out of

Brainstorming solutions

Archbishop Fred Hiltz is flanked by ELCIC national bishop Susan Johnson and Paul Feheley, principal secretary to the primate. Photo: Harvey Shepherd MontrealCanadian Lutheran churches

Tapestries of glass

AT Christ Church Cathedral in Victoria, three seven-metre high windows with Gothic arches are installed in the Chapel of the New Jerusalem. Photo: Debra Brash

Working together to face the future

Bishop Lydia Mamakwa, Mary Atagotaaluk and Susan Arreak. Photo: Harvey Shepherd MontrealAs parishes and dioceses in Canada’s Far North struggle with ever more scarce resources,

Finney to head PWRDF as executive director

Finney Adele Finney, a writer and spiritual director from the diocese of Toronto, has been appointed executive director of The Primate’s World Relief and Development

Reclaiming identity and voice

Archbishop Fred Hiltz greets Bishop David Torraville of Central Nfld. Photo: Harvey Shepherd MontrealThere has been too much sex (as a topic of discussion) and

Haiti reconstruction plan symbolizes ‘new vision’

Post-quake resurrection will build capacity of parishes, schools, hospitals Photo: Mary Frances Schjonberg Miami Episcopal News Service (ENS)-The first phase of post-earthquake reconstruction and development

Reflections on Back to Church Sunday

Greetings, Earthling: Diocese of Toronto Suffragan Bishop Philip Poole invites commuters back to church. Photo: Michael Hudson Back to Church Sunday is based on one

How’s the God business?’

‘It works because we aren’t just interested in our own survival, in our numbers, or in our success. We’re on to something significant. That is

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