Reclaiming identity and voice

Published December 1, 2010

Archbishop Fred Hiltz greets Bishop David Torraville of Central Nfld. Photo: Harvey Shepherd

There has been too much sex (as a topic of discussion) and too much lobbying by special interest groups at gatherings of Canada’s Anglican bishops in recent years, say Anglican bishops.

Instead, a statement issued at the Oct. 22-25 joint meeting here of the Anglican House of Bishops and the Lutheran Conference of Bishops outlines plainly that bishops want more education and theological discussion and less show-and-tell from outside groups.

Calling this fall’s meeting “one of the most holy and historic meetings the House of Bishops has had,” Archbishop Fred Hiltz added: “You [bishops] are claiming your identity, your authority and your voice.”

In an interview with the Anglican Journal, Archbishop Hiltz said there needs to be greater emphasis placed on cultivating “holiness, a genuine desire to grow together in Christ and [in] our relationship with God and with one another as servants of God.”

The joint meeting included 42 Anglican bishops and six bishops from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Ω



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