Anglican Journal



James Reed

Dr. James Reed, a former director of the Toronto School of Theology and professor of pastoral psychology and counselling at Trinity College of the University

Aligned with evil’

London (Church Times) – Roman Catholic Archbishop Pius Ncube of Zimbabwe has criticized the Anglican church in Zimbabwe for not publicly condemning the violence and

Official honored

London (ACNS) – The first lay person to be appointed Chief Secretary of Church Army, Captain Philip Johanson, has been awarded the Order of the

Sudan elects bishop

Khartoum (ACNS)-The Episcopal Church of the Sudan has elected Andodo Adam Elneel as bishop of Kadugli despite earlier attempts by a dissident group to disrupt

A bishop finds the episcopacy wanting

The following is the full text of an essay entitled The Episcopate which Bishop Michael Ingham wrote for the book All Who Minister, edited by

Video wins awards

A video about sexual misconduct, produced jointly by Anglican Video and the diocese of Toronto, has won two awards. Sexual Misconduct in Our Churches: Learn

Holloway loves doubt

London Bishop Richard Holloway, until last year the head of the Scottish Episcopal (Anglican) Church, has admitted that he may have ceased to be a

Healing Fund benefits poor, abused

Experts in life skills, anger management and health address members of the Stardale Women’s Group. GENERAL SYNOD’S healing fund for residential schools has given $19,000

PWRDF acts in two areas

People returning to the village of Gisenyi in Congo. Toronto The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) is helping in two world trouble spots

Funerals paramount

London (ENI) – A snapshot of British religious beliefs has found that people attach more importance to having a church funeral than to being married

Woolsey to retire

Calgary Bishop Gary Woolsey, who stepped down in 1991 as a diocesan bishop to become a parish priest, has announced his retirement effective at the

C of E gets poet’s estate

London (Church Times)-The late Monica Jones, British poet Philip Larkin’s companion, has left one million pounds to the Church of England, despite the fact that

HIV drugs provided

Kampala, Uganda —The Anglican diocese of Namirembe in Uganda will provide generic anti-retroviral HIV drugs free of charge. Moses Matovu, acting diocesan secretary, announced during

Church future ‘ominous’

New York The author of an article on the conservative “renewal movement” within the Anglican Communion, said that the Episcopal Church in the United States

Who will follow Carey?

Bishop Richard Chartres The announcement of Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey’s retirement next fall has spawned a swirl of soul-searching in Britain over how the

Huron to elect bishop

The diocese of Huron will hold an electoral synod on June 15 to elect a new suffragan (or assistant) bishop. The new bishop will replace

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