Why should the Anglican Church of Canada examine how it governs itself?

Published May 1, 2007
  • There is “a widely-held view that our church is over-governed: our governance structures are too big, too multi-layered and too complicated;”
  • There is lack of money “at virtually all levels of our church;”
  • The endorsement by General Synod of the New Agape proposal for a self-governing, indigenous “church within a church,” which is unfolding, means that “profound changes in our governing structures will take place at national, provincial, diocesan, and even parish levels;”
  • The “distinct lack of interest” in running the church among Anglicans under age 40, who generally have “little trust in institutions;”
  • The church’s legal and operational structures have always been based on geography;
  • The Anglican Communion may split along theological lines (following disagreements over same-sex issues) and could “well result in two or more separate or largely separate Anglican entities in Canada.”

from the report of the Governance Working Group to Council of General Synod, March 2007


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