William Portman


Help for new volunteers

Vestry Members by Colleen McMahon 0 8192 1789 1 Choir Members by Nancy Roth 0 8192 1779 4 Lay Eucharistic Ministers by Beth Maynard 0

The true meaning of Advent

STAYING FOCUSED on the true significance of Advent and Christmas is never easy, as adults concentrate on preparing for the feasting and celebration and children

Sock stuffers

The idea of the Christmas sock- stuffer is usually something light, even trivial. The heading may therefore be inappropriate, because these books are anything but

Books to read aloud

IN OUR FAMILY, Christmas would be incomplete without gift books for everybody from youngest to eldest. From the many children’s titles received by the Journal,

A mother’s story

THE STORY OF Cassie Bernall’s final moment is known worldwide. She was a typical 17-year-old at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, studying in the

Dr. Laura on religion

MANY PEOPLE in the church do not want a God who makes too many demands on them, according to a member of the Church of

Full communion nearer

National Bishop Telmor Sartison of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and Anglican Church of Canada Primate Michael Peers are all smiles during the Lutherans’

How to avoid embarrassing your hosts

THESE DAYS, people increasingly are being invited – through family, friend or business contact to a wedding, funeral or other religious service of a religion

Lutherans want to be ‘welcoming’ to gays

Lutherans endorsed initiatives to become more welcoming to gay and lesbian Christians during their Regina convention. They will also pursue closer ties with their Lutheran

Prayers withstand the test of time

Ronouring the 450th anniversary of the Book of Common Prayer, The Collects of Thomas Cranmer presents in its original form and order the basis for

Illuminations invoke Easter mystery

Detail from the Ascension by Simon Marmion, Gheraert Heronbout, Alexander Bening attrib., The Blessed Virgin Mary’s Book of Hours, Naples 1483-98 THIS IS NOT, as

Insights for many

IT WAS SAID of Father Arthur Stanton, 19th-century priest and renowned preacher at St. Alban’s, Holborn, in London, that of all who have ever been

Lenten food for thought

JUST IN TIME for Lent reading come two new titles in the Random House Vintage Spiritual Classics series – handsomely produced in new translations and

Picture books for adults on your gift list

EVEN IN AN AGE of instant electronic communication of voice and image, picture books still have their appeal. The combination of still pictures – whether

Hollywood buys rights to book

Longtime Yellowknifer and now deputy prolocutor of the Council of General Synod, Diane Brookes, has published her second children’s book, introducing children to astronomy while

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