William Portman


Stocking stuffers

THESE ARE devotional readings written for the Christian pilgrim, not as tourist guidebooks. Complimenting each other as they do, both would go happily into the

Books for the young

OF ALL THE Christmas gift books for children, this year’s pride of place goes to a pair written by a woman rabbi whose titles often

Picture books for adults on your gift list

EVEN IN AN AGE of instant electronic communication of voice and image, picture books still have their appeal. The combination of still pictures – whether

Synod calls for review of marrige canon

A proposal to allow dioceses to choose whether to continue using matrimonial commissions to deal with requests from divorced persons to remarry in the church

Synod rooted in worship experiences

Every activity at General Synod was rooted in Word and Sacrament. From the pomp and solemnity of the opening eucharist in Christ Church Cathedral to

Memoirs of a redoubtable nun

Other Little Ships by Sister Constance Murphy SSJD Patmos Press $19.95 (paper) ISBN 0-9693827-3-1 Redoubtable is one word that comes to mind to describe Sister

No appeal allowed for fired clergy

Priests can now be fired from their jobs by their bishops for any reason and may not appeal. General Synod adopted a new licensing canon

Gay debate could foreshadow split, says book

Two “incompatible and competing religions” within the Anglican Church of Canada make schism a real possibility, warns a new book aimed at influencing General Synod

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