Solange DeSantis



Bishops prepare for synod aftermath

Niagara Falls, Ont. Canada’s Anglican bishops looked toward General Synod’s anticipated discussion on homosexuality by considering how they can pastorally respond, to whatever synod decides

Williams will meet with U.S. bishops

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams (left), seen above with Canadian primate Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, responded to an urgent call for a meeting from bishops in

Primate muses about term, life after retirement

Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, with Archdeacon Paul Feheley, his principal secretary, at the 2005 primate’s meeting in Dromantine, Northern Ireland, which asked the Canadian and U.S.

Church examines its connection to Africa

Layreader Juanita Shortliffe and Lawrence Bruce of Christ Church, Shelburne, N.S., led the parish in a service marking the 200th anniversary of the abolition of

End of slave trade remembered in books and film

Youssou N’Dour stars as real-life slave Oloudah Equiano in Amazing Grace, the story of William Wilberforce, the British parliamentarian and evangelical Christian who spearheaded the

Four nominees for primate

Niagara Falls, Ont. Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada, at their regular spring meeting, on April 19 chose four of their colleagues as candidates

Archbishop will not cancel Lambeth Conference

Niagara Falls, Ont.Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams considered cancelling the 2008 Lambeth Conference of the world’s Anglican bishops due to the sexuality debates roiling the

Williams will meet with U.S. bishops

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams (left), seen above with Canadian primate Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, responded to an urgent call for a meeting from bishops in

Negotiations underway to save bookstore

Lutheran church bookseller Augsburg Fortress Canada is negotiating to take over the operations of the Anglican Book Centre, a move that would allow the Anglican

Appeal results to be released in June

Patten The Anglican Church of Canada’s flagship fundraiser, the Anglican Appeal, will be releasing 2006 figures later this year than usual, as part of the

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