Anglican Journal



Fixed term for primate?

The Council of General Synod (CoGS) will send to General Synod a proposal that the primate’s term of office be limited to nine years with

CoGS Highlights

In other news, Council of General Synod (CoGS) also: approved a motion asking officers of General Synod, “in consultation with staff, to ascertain present and

Move shuts down services

Theresa Mandricks and Lydia Laku, staff with General Synod’s partnerships department, prepare for office move by shredding old files. The General Synod archives will be

Burton to lead Council of North

Bishop Anthony Burton of Saskatchewan has been elected chair of the Council of the North, succeeding Archbishop John Clarke, who ends his three-year term in

Babies’ first garments give comfort

Mary O’Connor calls the items that her church group makes for infants a "labour of love." Mississauga, Ont. Tiny ribbon rosettes, intricately embroidered stitches, seed

Theological schools face uncertainty

A financial crisis facing Saskatoon’s St. Andrew’s College, a theological school serving the United Church of Canada, is creating “uncertainty” about the future of the

Second generation a welcome addition

Steve Bell’s daughter Sarah joins him on Sons & Daughters album. Both change and constancy have marked the life and work of Manitoba-based musician Steve

David Crawley continues the quest

Annie Dillard is my favourite contemporary writer. Her work is impossible to categorize. She has an astounding eye for the intricacies of nature, but she

Lutherans struggling with sex, too

The National Church Council (NCC) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC), just like the Anglican Church of Canada, is now in the thick

Claim settled

The Ecclesiastical Insurance Company has agreed to pay the diocese of Niagara $800,000 for damages sustained by the bell tower of Hamilton ‘s All Saints’

Terry Finlay sees hope in God’s love

I understand that, as the congregation left Canterbury Cathedral after the enthronement service for Archbishop Rowan Williams, each person was presented with a copy of

Prayer day for blessings

A Canadian group is is asking Anglicans who support same-sex blessings to take part in a national day of prayer on Sunday, March 28. Claiming

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