Anglican Journal



Clinging to memory

THE DAMP WIND seemed to blow right through Old Cal as he made his way to the front entrance of the nursing home. He shook

Bales for the North collects clothing

The diocese of Ottawa’s Anglican Church Women (ACW) is accepting donations for its “Bales for the North” program. Needed items include new quilts, linens, clothing,

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada. Photo: Marites N. Sison

No indication when TRC will resume

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, has said that it is “deeply regrettable” that implementation of  the Indian Residential Schools Truth

Herrera is interim treasurer

In the wake of Peter Blachford’s resignation as General Synod treasurer at the end of December, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of

Things that unite us

OLD CAL PUT down his copy of the Anglican Journal and shook his head. “We need to stop beating ourselves over the head with issues

Two sticks of wood

AS A PARISH priest I always looked forward to receiving the material for The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in January. I still do.

Worship resources to be available online

Authorized worship resources of the Anglican Church of Canada, “for which the General Synod (its governing body) holds copyright,” will soon be available online.The Council

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