Anglican Journal



Primate’s view of the Holy Land

(L to R): Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, shares a light moment with His Beatitude, Theophilos III, Greek Orthodox Patriarch

Joy Incarnate

I WAS INTRODUCED to Joy Davidman through  C.S. Lewis, whose Christian conversion and reflections on the human condition propelled him into fame. Many experiences of

Can African woman be treated in Canada?

Francine Nijimbere, the woman whose arms were severed in an attack, waits for treatment. The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) is exploring treatment

"We have a credibility issue... We have to overcome a lot of hurdles," says TRC chair Justice Murray Sinclair. Photo: Marites N. Sison

TRC commissioners face ‘daunting’ task

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) will consult churches, aboriginal groups and government representatives on how best to involve Canadians in documenting the 150-year legacy of Indian residential schools.

Director to serve on international commission

Canon Alyson Barnett-Cowan, director of the Anglican Church of Canada’s faith, worship, and ministry department, has been appointed to the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission for Unity,


Should the average person, even if he’s the prime minister of Canada, know the niceties of church practice?  David Crawley, retired archbishop of Kootenay and

Stop Sri Lankan woes

The Canadian house of bishops has urged Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to lead international efforts aimed at addressing and dismantling the root causes of

Bureaucracy and mission

OLD CAL CAUGHT me  off guard when he walked into my Journal office last week carrying two cups of coffee and exactly four Timbits. He

New Journal editor appointed

Jenkins Kristin Jenkins has been appointed editor of the Anglican Journal, the national newspaper of the Anglican Church of Canada. An award-winning journalist and communicator,

Sexuality resolutions don’t defy moratoria: TEC

U.S. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori listens to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, at the General Convention of The Episcopal Church. The U.S. Episcopal

H1N1 virus triggers ‘common vessels’ ban

Canterbury, Englandears about the spread of the H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu, are curtailing religious activities. Leaders of the (Anglican) Church of England

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