Anglican Journal



Single prayer book no panacea

ONE CHURCH, One Faith, ? One Book? Dr Reginald Stackhouse echoes a refrain which has been sung by other voices within our church when he

U.S. Lutherans back full communion plan

Denver Following close on the heels of their Canadian counterparts, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has given its backing to a plan to establish

New clergy screened more tightly

Not so long ago, it seems that clergy sex offenders could abuse their victims with near impunity. Clergy were respected pillars of their community and

Buying back slaves misguided, PWRDF says

Buying back slaves to set them free is no answer to the problem in Sudan, says the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund. The Canadian

England revives heresy trials

York A more outward-looking, confident and united Church of England was promised by the newly formed Archbishops’ Council, a cabinet for the church, but General

Bishops elected; debt reduction proposed

In other business at the Arctic synod, delegates elected two new suffragan bishops, in addition to Bishop Paul Idlout, elected in 1996. (A suffragan is

Restrictions for gays suggested

From left, Bishop Andrew Atagotaaluk of Inukjuak, Bishop Chris Williams, Bishop Paul Idlout and Bishop Larry Robertson of Inuvik. Bishops Atagotaaluk and Robertson, the two

Vancouver archivist recognized

Archbishop Michael Peers has presented the 1999 Anglican Award of Merit to Garth Walker, a member of St. Mary’s, Kerrisdale. Mr. Walker was honoured for

Respected cardinal dies

London Basil Hume, who died of cancer in hospital on June 17 at the age of 76, never wanted to lead the Roman Catholic Church

Ruling could affect camps, Sunday school

The country’s top court made its decision but the jury’s still out on what impact the ruling on employer’s liability will have on a range

Church stands with Prairie farmers

“Act of God” or not, the Anglican Church is lining up behind Prairie farmers facing an economic disaster after a combination of torrential spring rains

Dean appointed

Bishop Anthony Burton has announced the appointment of Rev. Michael Hawkins as dean of the diocese of Saskatchewan and rector of St. Alban’s Cathedral, Prince

English ordination figures surge higher

London At a time when many churches in the West face a shortage of new vocations to the priesthood, the Church of England is enjoying

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