Anglican Journal


Governor General adopts church symbols

New Governor General’s coat of arms. The Queen’s representative in Canada doesn’t assume the titles of the Monarch she represents, such as Defender of the

Ingham says nay to Tay

Parishioners at St. Matthew’s Church in Abbottsford, B.C. are feeling “pain and anger” that their chosen speaker for century celebrations has been banned from participating

Volunteer in Mission ordained in Tanzania

Dr. Iain Elliott celebrates the eucharist after his ordination in Tanzania. A Canadian physician and Anglican deacon who went to Tanzania as a Volunteer in

Generosity at heart of Primate’s Fund

Retired bishop of Nova Scotia Leonard Hatfield was instrumental in establishing the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund. Port Greville, N.S. At a time when

Airmen live on, in story and legend

‘perished as though they had never been’ IN THE ENGLISH VILLAGE of Lane End, 30 miles from London, I recently dedicated the village’s new granite

Cockburn’s 25th may be breakthrough

IN BASEBALL, they talk about five-tool players ? players who can run with speed, field their position flawlessly, throw the ball with strength and accuracy,


Not respectableDear editor, I was taken aback to read, in October’s Anglican Journal, that “the wedding (of Adrienne Clarkson and John Ralston Saul) “could hardly

Millennium planning unites Christians

Ecumenical News International Every church in Canada is being asked to ring its bells on Jan. 1, 2000 to celebrate the third millennium of Christianity

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