Anglican Journal



Primate performed Clarkson wedding

At the news conference announcing Adrienne Clarkson as the country’s next governor-general, media reported her as coy about her recent marriage to her long-time partner

Single prayer book no panacea

ONE CHURCH, One Faith, ? One Book? Dr Reginald Stackhouse echoes a refrain which has been sung by other voices within our church when he

U.S. Lutherans back full communion plan

Denver Following close on the heels of their Canadian counterparts, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has given its backing to a plan to establish

New clergy screened more tightly

Not so long ago, it seems that clergy sex offenders could abuse their victims with near impunity. Clergy were respected pillars of their community and

Buying back slaves misguided, PWRDF says

Buying back slaves to set them free is no answer to the problem in Sudan, says the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund. The Canadian

Caring Anglicans

Saunders At least two Anglicans are among winners of this year’s Governor-General’s Caring Canadian Award: Doreen Kenmuir of the Diocese of New Westminster and Marion

Indigenous Anglicans get together

Toronto Six Canadian indigenous Anglicans were to leave for Lihue, Hawaii in early September to join counterparts from New Zealand, Australia and the United States

God, you know me, I am yours

‘Who am I?’ A GREAT TEACHER of the history of religion once identified the question “Who am I?” as the first and most fundamental religious

Langs’ pain ‘will always be there’

Rev. Dale Lang says ‘God is making our son’s death count for something.’ Rev. Dale Lang may be the best-known Anglican priest in Canada. While

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