Anglican Journal



Desmond F. Carroll

Dean Desmond Carroll, former Royal Canadian Mounted Police chaplain in the Yukon, with musical ride members in 1995. Dean Desmond F. Carroll, who retired last

Does Cohen toy with mere mortals?

THE COMMERCIAL press does not know what to do with Leonard Cohen. He was always the proverbial square peg in a round hole, and his

Anglicans, Methodists inching towards unity

London After three years of discussion, a common statement is proposing concrete steps toward unity between Anglicans and Methodists in England. “All the essential theological

James Reed

Dr. James Reed, a former director of the Toronto School of Theology and professor of pastoral psychology and counselling at Trinity College of the University

Aligned with evil’

London (Church Times) – Roman Catholic Archbishop Pius Ncube of Zimbabwe has criticized the Anglican church in Zimbabwe for not publicly condemning the violence and

Official honored

London (ACNS) – The first lay person to be appointed Chief Secretary of Church Army, Captain Philip Johanson, has been awarded the Order of the

Sudan elects bishop

Khartoum (ACNS)-The Episcopal Church of the Sudan has elected Andodo Adam Elneel as bishop of Kadugli despite earlier attempts by a dissident group to disrupt

Same-sex blessings

Amsterdam (ENI) – The largest Protestant church body in the Netherlands, representing about 2.7 million Christians, has approved the blessing of same-sex partnerships. The decision

Bishops oversee vows

For the first time in Canada, a Lutheran bishop co-presided as an Anglican nun took her lifelong vows of poverty, celibate chastity and obedience. Bishop

Faiths urged to reflect on violence

Geneva Christian-Muslim dialogue should focus on mutual interpretation of each other’s religion, discussion of the history of violence, the notion of jihad and “just war”

Patriarch on TV

Moscow (ENI) – Patriarch Alexei II, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church has appeared in a television commercial promoting Russia’s largest oil company, LUKoil.

Congregations share

Three congregations from three denominations – Anglican, Lutheran and Presbyterian – share one church building in Mississauga, Ont. Although they have separate sanctuaries, the Anglican

Neighbours to those fallen among thieves

On July 11, the final day of General Synod, a brackish editorial in the National Post suggested the Anglican church had “met its Waterloo” in

Archbishop to be chosen by e-mail

In a move designed to save thousands of dollars in travel expenses, eliminate an extra meeting and preserve summer vacations, the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada

Dr. Marion Niven

Dr. Marion Niven, former principal of the Anglican Women’s Training College and its successor institution, the Centre for Christian Studies, died in Toronto on Jan.

Ramallah school shut down

Israeli tanks take up positions on a street in the West Bank city of Ramallah where an ECUSA-run school has been forced to close. New

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