Anglican Journal



AIDS, Iraq focus of ACC resolutions

Archbishop John Paterson, primate of New Zealand and Polynesia and bishop of Auckland was narrowly elected chair of the ACC The Anglican Consultative Council passed

Logo abandoned

Saskatoon A meeting of the Joint Anglican-Lutheran Commission in September decided against a logo to symbolize full communion between the two churches and to continue

Church leaders condemn rush to war with Iraq

Christian leaders including the general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC) have criticized the impetus towards a U.S.-led war against Iraq. WCC general

Rectory converted

An Anglican rectory in Peterborough, Ont. was turned into affordable housing for six older women in late July. The downtown congregation of St. John?s on

Controversial saint

Rome Pope John Paul II has canonised Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, the founder of Opus Dei, an organization of lay people that has stirred as

Carey, Ingham quarrel over communion’s unity

Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey merely added to the problem of disunity in the Anglican Communion by criticizing a Canadian diocese?s decision to bless same-sex

“This erosion of communion”

The following is extracted from outgoing Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey?s presidential address to the Anglican Consultative Council. It is at this point as the

U.K. evangelicals split over Williams

Rowan London Leading evangelicals in Britain are rushing to staunch the tide of criticism leveled at incoming archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams by their own


Clarification Sam Galati has been contracted to General Synod as a communications consultant for six months. A headline last month gave a misleading impression. Correction

“Oversimplification does a disservice …”

The following is a statement issued by Bishop Michael Ingham of New Westminster, in reponse to Archbishop Carey’s presidential address. I recognize the Archbishop of

Giving on credit

New York Increasing numbers of parishioners are telling their churches: ?Put that on my credit card.? While electronic giving may never entirely replace the traditional

Nova Scotia to review unpaid priests

Bishop Fred Hiltz of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island will stop ordaining non-stipendiary priests pending the outcome of a diocesan review. ?We?re at the

Twilight of a brilliant career

… at a farewell dinner on her last official trip to Africa. Johannesburg She has shed her Africa clothes, leaving them behind in Johannesburg. Her

Parishes to get help

Diocesan council of New Westminster will assist parishes with leaking buildings. Treasurer Jim Stewart said that so far three parishes have shown serious ?leaky envelope?

Allegations dismissed

Sydney Allegations of sexual assault against Australia?s most senior Catholic leader, Archbishop George Pell of Sydney, could not be substantiated, a church-appointed inquiry has concluded.

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