Anglican Journal



New from ABC Publishing

Oceans of Grief and Healing WatersA story of Loss and Recoveryby Marian Jean Haggerty112 pages, $16.95 Struggling with ForgivenessStories from People and Communitiesby David Self200

What price unity’ asks Irish primate

Here, reprinted courtesy of the Church of Ireland Gazette (, is an excerpt of an essay by the Archbishop of Armagh and senior primate of

When personal faith and theology meet

Every now and then an exceptionable book appears in the market place and such is After the Locusts, Letters from a Landscape of Faith ,

Indian churches fight new law on conversions

New converts receive Bibles from evangelists in India. Church leaders say a proposed law restricting conversions violate Christians’ rights. New Delhi, India Churches in India

Primates see threat to unity

From left, Archbishop Remi Joseph Rabenirina, Church of the Indian Ocean; Archbishop Samuel Ndayisenga, Episcopal Church of Burundi; Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams. LondonWhile declaring

Stories for wee readers

Very small children love stories and also love a book to call their own. Bible for Me by Andy Holmes, illustrated by Ralph Voltz (Tommy

Cowan elected bishop

The diocese of British Columbia elected Archdeacon James Cowan, executive officer of the diocese and deputy prolocutor of the General Synod, as its 12th bishop.

Festival celebrates Britten works

A major festival in November will honour the work of British composer Benjamin Britten (1913-1976), featuring performances in several Ontario cities of work with religious

Pope notes difficulties on gay clergy issue

A strengthening of relations but also the recognition of new problems marked the first official visit of Archbishop Rowan Williams, the head of the Anglican

Facing chronic illnesses with hope

Grace Casselman’s Knocked Off My Knees is a good source of education for someone diagnosed with lupus but, more importantly, it is a personal story

Winds whip through Halifax

Warden Ray Carter surveys damage to All Saints Cathedral’s roof. Halifax Parishioners waited nervously for Bishop Fred Hiltz to arrive for the 125th anniversary celebration

Order breaks new ground

The Sisters of St. John the Divine, an Anglican order of nuns, broke ground Sept. 18 on the location of a new mother house in

Synod speaker sparks debate

Quebec Members of the ecclesiastical province of Canada debated the choice of the senior bishop of the Episcopal Church of the United States (ECUSA) as

Does anyone see who has left the building?

Dear editor, With the rock fans clamoring for the ordination of Elvis, the African Anglicans mulling over whether to send missionaries to England, an Australian

New beginnings for a sometimes-divided church

While last month heralded some new beginnings for indigenous Anglicans in Canada, recent events elsewhere might well be remembered as the beginning of the end

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