New from ABC Publishing

Published November 1, 2003

Oceans of Grief and Healing Waters
A story of Loss and Recovery
by Marian Jean Haggerty
112 pages, $16.95 Struggling with Forgiveness
Stories from People and Communities
by David Self
200 pages, $19.95 Praise, My Soul
The Hymns of Herbert O’Driscoll
88 pages, spiral bound, $19.95 The Homosexuality Debate
Ed. by Catherine Sider Hamilton
272 pages, $24.95 Faithful Servant Series
Ed. by Christopher L. Webber
Approx. 80 pages each, $9.95 Brief thoughtful meditations for altar guild members, choir members, church school teachers, church staff, lay readers, lay eucharistic ministers, vestry members, church volunteers, and new members.


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