Anglican Journal



Churches merge

Three Protestant denominations in the Netherlands – two Reformed and one Lutheran – will merge this year to form the country’s biggest Protestant church. The

Turning a page on a churchman’s career

The Peers family in a 2001 photo (from left): Dorothy; Richard (with son William atop), his wife Jeanette Revet (with daughter Emma); Michael; Valerie; Nga

Churches condemn anti-Semitism

Concerned by an “alarming increase of anti-Semitism in Canada,” leaders of nine Christian churches in Canada ? including the Anglican Church of Canada ? have

Personal journeys in powerful songs

Emmylou Harris: Stumble Into Grace The evolution of Emmylou Harris is really remarkable. She was already a famed star in a 30-year career by virtue

Diocese elects Moxley as suffragan

Diocesan bishop Fred Hiltz and Susan Moxley embrace at the news of her election as suffragan bishop of Nova Scotia and P.E.I. The diocese of

Same-sex rite under fire

Stockholm Plans by the (Lutheran) Church of Sweden to introduce a ceremony for same-sex couples have stirred protests from leaders of other denominations, including the

Theology school names primate to ecumenical post

The Toronto School of Theology (TST) has appointed Archbishop Michael Peers, outgoing primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, as its first Ecumenist-in-Residence. Archbishop Peers,

How did your church mark World AIDS Day?

This church has AIDS. Elsewhere in this first issue of 2004, the Anglican Journal has coverage of how churches and others marked World AIDS Day,

Toonies for HIV/AIDS

Dr. Stephen Hart, a New Brunswick Anglican, has asked his church to be actively involved in the HIV/AIDS relief and education campaign of the Primates

Scots in Canada

Jim Bear of the Brokenhead Ojibwa traveled recently to Scotland and presented the Royal Museum of Scotland with a cross carved out of wood cut

Appeal did not have local blessing

A South African organization called HOPE Africa has solicited contributions from Canadian Anglican parishes, prompting a word of caution from Ellie Johnson, director of the

Vicious attack’

Church leaders in India have blamed a campaign “targeting Christians” for the victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in elections for legislators last month

Churches break talks with ECUSA

Bishop Gene Robinson was consecrated Nov. 2. New York The consecration of Gene Robinson as the first openly gay priest to be elected a bishop

Churches mark AIDS day

Becky Nganja, 24, takes a break beside an AIDS poster at the All-Africa Conference of Churches ecumenical service marking World AIDS Day. Anglicans joined people

Scrolls chronicle early Christianity

Dr. Adolfo Roitman, curator, examines the War Scroll, part of the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Museum of Civilization in Hull, Que. Amateur historians

Grace Tucker

Grace Tucker, who worked as an Anglican church missionary to the Japanese community in Canada, died in Richmond, B.C. on Dec. 4 at the age

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