Anglican Journal



Ministry is all downhill

Rev. Jack Greenhalgh, chaplain at Big White Ski Resort, in British Columbia’s interior, baptizes Spencer David Loyd, son of resort employees James and Brenda Loyd,

Evangelist needs to build bridges

Dear editor, With reference to your story Evangelism not so scary after all (January), I have to say that I find it very scary if

Church figures honoured

Canon Roderick A. Robinson, of the diocese of Caledonia, and Janet Somerville, former general secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches (CCC), were named in

Andrew Hutchison values the dialogue

“It’s … doubting faith — or faithful doubt — that I want to dialogue with here. I think I understand it. It’s where I live

Archbishop Rowan Williams, in the Middle East at the invitation of the bishop of Jerusalem, met with youth and religious and community leaders.

Williams decries security fence

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams spoke out strongly against the security fence being erected by Israel in the occupied territories and Palestinian suicide bombings during

Unusual thesis blends snow, spirituality

Neil Elliot sees ties between spirituality and snowboarding. In a new age world where people can find spirituality anywhere from indoor fountains to backyard gardens,

Dialogue begins

The diocese of Toronto has begun its year-long process of dialogue and decision among clergy and lay members on the issue of same-sex blessings. All-day

Light’s on as new bishop

Light Parishes in the former British Columbia diocese of Cariboo will once again have a bishop. Now called the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior

Arctic supports ACiNW

September’s meeting in Yellowknife of the diocese of the Arctic’s executive committee saw this resolution passed: “That this executive affirm the stand taken by the

A journey worthy of Ulysses

Cold Mountain is a small story set against a huge backdrop of events and the nurturing sweep of landscape and nature. At the outset of

Meeting postponed as dialogue hits speed bump

The official dialogue between Roman Catholics and Anglicans has hit a speed bump, although both sides insist that they are committed to further conversations in

Woman priested ‘behind bars’

Anne Moats Willams signs the declaration of faith and obedience at her ordination inside Anamosa State Penitentiary. When Bishop Alan Scarfe came to Anamosa, Iowa,

Gender issues raised

Norwegian Church Aid has warned church organizations in Malawi that they risk having support frozen if they ignore gender and human rights issues in their

Middle East peace

Presiding Bishop Frank T. Griswold of the Episcopal Church in the United States joined 32 other religious leaders in announcing a new effort to mobilize

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