Harold Munn



To illustrate its cover story on the retirement of Pope Benedict XVI, the New Yorker magazine turned to its award-winning cartoonist and illustrator, Barry Blitt. He titled it, “Sic Transit Gloria Mundi.” (Thus passes the glory of the world.) “I wish I could say something in Latin to make the image sound smart,” said Blitt, when asked what inspired him.

Freedom 55, 65, 75 or…

This February, twobishops shocked their communities by announcing their retirements. PopeBenedict XVI’s decision to retire was an enormous break with tradition.The bishop of British Columbia, James Cowan, decided to retire at age61.

Free ferry

I had no idea that my mind would retire at the same time as the rest of me. One of the great attractions of living

View from the pew

It is the first time in many years that I have some free time on a Saturday morning. The email says they are going to

When a non-believer is chosen

She stands in the gritty parking lot, her eyes brimming with tears. Hot tears of outrage. “How can this be? How can there be no

Understanding Passover

‘If the church dies because people reject Christ’s radical call to justice-the social form of love-that’s one thing. But if it dies because we made

Shifting times

They looked pretty disappointed. “We’d love to, but….” I’d said on the phone that I’d be happy to talk about baptizing their baby. He’s a

Christmas with a twist

STANDING IN THE SNOW was a young woman holding a baby. Illustration: SRF She was worried and didn’t tell her boyfriend. She went to the

Evidence of God

"Sometimes I sit there in church on the verge of hysterics,” he says. “I look around and I know everyone else thinks it makes sense.

Tales of the new normal

‘Perhaps the cross is indeed God’s great “plus” sign for humanity- and we should say so.’ “WHAT ARE ALL the plus signs for?” the six-year-old

Let’s talk about sex

When two straight men meet for a series of same-sex lunches, anything can happen. Canon Harold Munn recalls the year of living dangerously. More important,

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