The Rev. Dr. Gary Nicolosi



"Peace I leave with you," Jesus says, "my peace I give to you." Photo: Micha Klootwijk

The promise of peace in a less than perfect world

A few years ago CBC reported on a special community meeting between police officials and parents in Abbottsford, British Columbia. The subject was predators, psychopaths and drug pushers-how to recognize them, what to do about them and how to protect our children from them. Not a pleasant topic, to be sure, but a symptom of the kind of world we inhabit.

What does it mean to believe in God? Photo by: Lane V. Erickson

Believing in a world like this

What does it mean to believe in God in our world? For some of us,belief may not come easy. I think of the people who come to the parishoffice seeking a food voucher. Many have physical or mental healthproblems, and they are simply unable to work or hold a steady job.

The church needs to help people experience God in a personal, powerful way. Photo by Lisa F. Young

Called to mission

If you happen to come across a prayer book from the U.S. Episcopal Church, check the calendar of saints. You’ll find that April 8 commemorates William Augustus Muhlenberg, an outstanding 19th-century priest and pastor in New York City.

We think that if we pray enough, God will spare us many of life's painful inequities. Photo by Bine

The “why” question

As a priest, I have had to ministerto parishioners in deep personal crisis, experiencing grief, loss,heartbreak and tragedy. Numbed and benumbed by their circumstances, thefirst question they usually ask is, “Why?”

“We need each other to excel in this adventure of living,” writes the author. Photo: Louis Louro

The power of teamwork

“You didn’t build that!”This phrase from an election campaign speech was uttered by U.S.President Barack Obama last July in Roanoke, Virginia.

By virtue of our baptism, all Christians are ordained for ministry.

Your ordination to ministry

Do you remember when you were ordained? You are, you know, ordained. Youare a minister of the gospel. In the early rites of baptism, the churchmade this clear. The newly baptized Christian was given a white robe,symbolic of the new life now being lived.

Each of us is called, like the Magi, to follow a star. Photo: Jorisvo

Where we least expect to find him

Few figures in the Bible capture our imagination as much as the Magi. Wedon’t know who they were or where they came from, so they remainshrouded in mystery. We know only what the Bible tells us: they left thesecurity of their home to follow a star.

There is no place too dark, too small, too ordinary, too troubled or too insignificant where God cannot come. Photo by: Yuriy Kulik

The God of unlikely places

In August 1865, an Episcopal priest from Philadelphia by the name of Phillips Brooks embarked upon an extended trip to Europe and the Holy Land.

Gracious God, heal the hurting and soothe the scars of those wounded in body or spirit. Photo: Valeria73

Reflections on the Newtown shooting

“A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled, because they are no more.”

Even as we seek God, God is seeking us, finding us and bringing us home. Photo: Oleksandr Briagin

God is coming

One of those heartwarming stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul is about a little girl named Schia. She was four years old when her

In the face of tragedy, we want to be resilient and renew our hope for the future, but sometimes we just can't. We feel the life has been knocked out of us. Photo: Honza Krej

The miracle we demand

Shortly before the Second World War, the poet W.H. Auden wrote these words: We who must die demand a miracle. How could the Eternal do

One of the most helpless situations we might face is when we are in the hospital. Photo: Tossapol

When life seems beyond control

His health was failing. A stroke had weakened his left side and affected his memory. Soon after, he became unable to manage the workings of

Wearing the blue uniform of the Royal Canadian Airforce, Governor General David Johnston is accompanied on the reviewing stand by Roxanne Priede, this year’s National Silver Cross Mother. Her son, Master Corporal Darrell Jason Priede, died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan in 2007. Photo: Art Babych

We remember

War is indelibly impressed upon the Canadian psyche. This year, the government of Canada is commemorating the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812-a conflict

The God of Jesus waits long through the night, with the light lit and the door open, confident his most defiant child will one day accept his love and turn toward home. Photo by Bogdan Serban

The Hope of Heaven

At the time of the first anniversary of Steve Jobs’ death, many newspaper and magazine cartoonists remembered and celebrated his achievements at Apple, his rivalry

"The old religious world is failing, but the Spirit is stirring anew," says author Diana Butler Bass. Photo: Rashevskyi Viacheslav

Christianity after religion

Diana Butler Bass’s new book (Christianity After Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening, HarperOne, 2012, $28.99, ISBN: 978-0062003737)

The most important lesson for every leader in any enterprise is this: It's not about you! Leadership is not about what you get; it is about what you give. Photo: Franck Boston

Servant Leadership

David Mahoney was the chairman of Norton Simon. Richard Beeson, president of Norton Simon’s Canada Dry division, had been on the job only a few

Jesus invites us to break free from whatever holds us back from abundant living. To do so is to find blessing upon blessing upon blessing. Photo: James Thew

Break Free Living

A few years ago, business author Tony Schwartz wrote an incisive blog on the number one addiction of corporate executives today-money. When we think of

“Harvard Professor Clayton Christensen reminds us that professional success and personal happiness are two very different things,” says the author. Photo: Kalim

Boomer satisfaction

Who was George Reeves? Do you know? Let me give you some hints. When I was a boy growing up in the 1950s, George Reeves

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