Diana Swift


  • Diana Swift

    Diana Swift is an award-winning writer and editor with 30 years’ experience in newspaper and magazine editing and production. In January 2011, she joined the Anglican Journal as a contributing editor.

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All eyes on Anglican-Lutheran celebration

The Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary of the World Council of Churches, wrote that he “hoped the significance of these bilateral relationships is felt

Milestones in Christian history

As a reminder of the long, rich, passionate and sometimes violent history of the Christian church, Milestones explores historical and intellectual events in the evolution

Never again’

The more than 100 years of abuse in Indian residential schools is a dark and missing chapter in the history of Canada, Chief Phil Fontaine

The symbiotic relationship between the Inuit and their sled dogs has always been the key to their traditional way of life.Photo: Ton Koene/GetStock.com

The day the dogs died

Alleging that the large dog populations in Inuit villages posed both health and safety hazards, Canadian authorities ordered the RCMP to shoot as many as

Test your ecclesiastical IQ!

Theopaschites refers to… 1. People who believe that God the Father suffered along with the incarnate Christ the Son. 2. An early Greek Christian theologian

Hey, big guy

Photo: Smit Erdem Imagine this: you live with a condition that puts you at physical risk for diabetes, joint and heart disease, hypertension, dementia and

A fearless woman of firsts

Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is chief pastor to over 2.4 million faithful in 16 countries.Photo:Kara Flannery / Episcopal News Service Katharine Jefferts Schori, 26th presiding

Using video to document human rights abuses

Jane Adong and Bukeni Waruzi filming during the WITNESS/Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice video advocacy training with the Greater North Women’s Voice for Peace network

After Fukushima

Sanguine about Solar? Canada geese picket the Ontario Hydro’s Pickering Nuclear Generating Station.Photo: Andy Clark / Reuters Three Mile Island, 1979. Chernobyl, 1986. Tomsk, 1993.

Sites of conscience promote justice

Vancouver – Memorials established in places of past violent conflicts can harness the power of memory to promote contemporary social justice, Elizabeth Silkes told those

Information transfer begins

It was a moving and symbolic gesture on the last day of the “Sharing Truth” conference in Vancouver. Speaking on behalf of Catholic, Anglican and

Traditionalist Anglicans to convene in Victoria

St. Ann’s Chapel will be the meeting place of Anglican church leaders looking to encourage a traditional heritage. Photo: Faithvictoria’s blog Traditional Anglican Church leaders

The conservation of conversation in Dene

The University of Toronto’s Dr. Keren Rice was instrumental in standardizing the format for the Slavey language. Photo: Courtesy of the University of Toronto Anglican

Even bishops need a break

Traditionally, house of bishops meetings have combined a heavy theological agenda with back-to-back presentations. Photo: Vianney Carriere A new more laid-back structure at the April

Good Friday and Earth Day coincide

“In our indifference, in our callous disregard for the needs of all living beings, we have put the Earth upon the Cross,” says an Anglican

Open table revisited

Bishops are prepared to have a conversation about what Christian hospitality means “in relation to the Lord’s table.” Photo: Willford Tiller Conceding that there was

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