McLean appointed Chaplain General

Published May 1, 2010


Col. Karl McLean, archdeacon of the Anglican Military Ordinariate of the Canadian Forces, has been appointed Chaplain General and will assume command of the chaplain branch later this year.
Canadian National Defence Minister Peter MacKay announced Archdeacon McLean’s appointment April 8.  

Archdeacon McLean, who will be promoted to the rank of brigadier general, succeeds Brig. Gen. David C. Kettle, who has announced his retirement.

“Chaplains provide the men and women of our Canadian Forces with the moral and spiritual support that they require in their service to the nation,” said Minister MacKay in a statement. “Padre McLean brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience that give him unique insight in this crucial leadership role.”

Archdeacon McLean will serve a two-year term.  Ω


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