Solange DeSantis

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    Solange De Santis was a reporter for the Anglican Journal from 2000 to 2008.


Winning hymn focused on congregation

Anglican musician Jane Best Anglican musician Jane Best was a winner last June in a hymn competition centered on an unusual area – songs for

Church reports 2006 deficit

WinnipegThe national office of the Anglican Church of Canada reported a deficit for the fourth straight year in 2006, but the shortfall, at about $486,000,

Same-sex questions still vex Synod

WinnipegIn decisions that will lead to varied interpretations over the next three years, General Synod 2007 agreed that blessing rites for gay couples are “not

Diocese of Niagara elects new bishop

Michael Bird, who was elected on the fifth ballot, will succeed Ralph Spence as bishop of Niagara when he retires in February, 2008. Archdeacon Michael

Debate continues on same-sex blessings

Delegates line up at microphones June 23 to debate resolutions dealing with the blessing of same-sex unions. Winnipeg In its first full day of debate

Synod narrowly defeats same-sex blessings

Winnipeg Canadian Anglicans, meeting at their General Synod governing convention, voted by the slimmest of margins to defeat a proposal that would have permitted church

Church reports smaller deficit in 2006

WinnipegThe national office of the Anglican Church of Canada reported a deficit for the fourth straight year in 2006, but the shortfall, at about $486,000,

Diocese of Niagara elects new bishop

Bishop-elect Michael Bird Archdeacon Michael Bird, 49, whose interests include curling and playing the bagpipes, on June 2 was elected bishop of the diocese of

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