Solange DeSantis



Chaplains share war’s perils

Maj. John Fletcher, Anglican army chaplain with the Canadian Forces, ministers to troops training in Norway. As Canadians on Remembrance Day this month commemorate those

Women in ministry: A variety of gifts

Rev. Shirley Shouldice Twenty-five years ago, on Nov. 30, 1976, the first six women were ordained to the priesthood in the Anglican Church of Canada.

Little progress in talks

The national church’s financial situation has shown a slight improvement, mainly due to technical factors, but negotiations with the federal government over limiting liability from

Schools talks inching forward

Negotiations between Canadian churches and the federal government on native residential schools liability issues inched forward in mid-September after nearly breaking down in August. Anglican

Religious themes as theatre

James Blendick, C. David Johnson and William Hutt in a trial scene from Inherit the Wind, a play based on the ‘Scopes monkey trial.’ Religion

Residential schools talks enter new phase

The residential schools situation moved into a new phase over the summer as representatives of the four churches facing liability issues met with long-time civil

Beardy grants a historic absolution

Waterloo, Ont. THE UNPRECEDENTED native participation at General Synod reached an emotional high at the end of a service for healing as Bishop Gordon Beardy

Bishops ponder ‘oversight’

Waterloo, Ont. FOR THE first time, Canadian Anglican bishops have discussed the possibility of “alternate episcopal oversight” or allowing a bishop to minister to a

Ingham apologizes to gays for church slowness

New Westminster bishop Michael Ingham Waterloo, Ont. NEW Westminster Bishop Michael Ingham used a General Synod presentation on sexuality to apologize to gays and lesbians

Synod defers motion to quit negotiations

Bishop Jim Cruickshank of Cariboo describes his diocese’s futile negotiations with Ottawa. Waterloo, Ont. GENERAL Synod referred to Council of General Synod a motion that

Ingham declines synod’s same-sex decisions

Vancouver For the second time in three years, Bishop Michael Ingham of the diocese of New Westminster declined to approve church blessing of homosexual relationships,

Elora restores classical content

Members of Leahy perform at the Gambrel Barn in Elora as part of the 22nd annual Elora Festival. THE ELORA FESTIVAL – a major Ontario

Synod office vandalized

A computer technical support office was devastated by vandalism. The Anglican Church of Canada’s national office in Toronto was robbed and vandalized on two successive

Media consultant is hired

Tony Whittingham Tony Whittingham has been appointed to the temporary position of communications consultant with the national church. He began work May 10 at the

Cabinet tells Gray to settle

Deputy Prime Minister Herb Gray Deputy Prime Minister Herb Gray said the federal cabinet has told him to intensify negotiations with four churches over the

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